A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Life Experiences Influencing Attitudes Toward Personal Death, Kevin J. Franke
Hispanic Subgroup Utilization Patterns at an Inner-City Community Mental Health Center, Silas Gregory Gilliam
WISC-R Performance in a Clinical Population Classified as Overcontrolled and Undercontrolled, Mary M. Gonzalez
Normal Hysterical and Normal Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Styles: A Rerospective Study of Developmental Correlates, Mark Joseph Groberski
Non-Visual Feeding Behavior of the Mottled Sculpin Cottus bairdi: Ecological and Evolutionary Implications, Denise Maxine Denham Hoekstra
Frequency Encoding: An Examination of the Roles of Age and Depression, Holly O. Houston
Ferritin, a Possible Cancer Marker for Breast Cancer, Dah-Jieh Dora Hsu
Product Identification of Normal Oral Mucosa and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Immunohistochemical Techniques, Ying-Tai Jin
Political Moderation in the French Restoration: Chateaubriand's Political Thought, 1814-1820, Daniel T. Keefe
Perceived Training Needs of Basic and Applied Social Psychology Graduate Students, Monica M. Kuchera
Development of a DNA Probe for the Rapid Detection of Cytomegalovirus, Nell Lurain
Foreign Study: An Analysis of the Short Term Effect, Randy P. McCombie
Predicting Interpersonal Effectiveness: The Effects of Masculinity, Femininity and Intimacy Motivation, Anne Margaret Slocum McEneaney
The Effects of Real versus Simulated Context on Recall, Laura Anne Monti
A Study in the Use of the Question: An Autodidactic Aid, William Thomas Mooney
The Effect of Personal Theories about the Causes of Crime on Discretionary Responses to Criminals, William Thomas Perkowitz
Achievement Motivation and Fear of Success in Women: Implications for Success in Non-Traditional Careers, Beverly Allgaier Pulaski
An Analysis of 1 Samuel 9-31: Is Saul a Tragic Hero?, Rosemary Reedy
The Intimacy Motive and Its Relationship to Interpersonal Perception in the Dating Couple, Rogelio Rodriguez
The Relationship of Fetal Movement Records to Non-Stress Tests in High Risk Antepartum Patients, Deborah S. Schy
Adolescent Liberals' and Conservatives' Visions of Morality, Charles M. Shelton
The Human Relations Area Files as a Source for Ethnographic Use of Field Data, Flemming Sorensen
Determination of an Enzyme Deficiency in the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Mutant mod5-1, Lacking Isopentenylated tRNAs, Sopiah Suid
Language Production by Normals under Conditions of Personalized Distraction, Penelope Thrasher
Metastases in Lymph Nodes of Hamster Buccal Pouch Carcinomas, Kostas Tsiklakis