A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Comparative Extracellular Killing of Candida and Tumor Cells by Macrophages at Varying Stages of Activation, David W. A. Beno
Job Stressors as a Function of Role Identity Conflict in Women Managers, Katherine Borchardt
The Design of a Palatal Expansion Appliance, Kelly R. Conway
History of Childhood Loss, Recent Life Events and Depression in an Undergraduate Population, Kim M. DellAÌngela
A High Molecular Weight Sulfhydryl Dependent Proteinase from Bovine Spleen, Thomas J. Farrell
Four Charismatic Thinkers on Violence and Non-Violence: Analysis and Evaluation, Thomas Forsthoefel
The Development of Maternal-Fetal Attachment, Eileen R. Fowles
Faith and the Perception of Philosophical Error: A Study of the Dynamism of the Thought of Gregory of Nyssa, Mark E. Frisby
Variables Related to Utilization of Mental Health Care Services by Hispanic Adolescents, Mary Ann H. Garcia
Character Revelation in Hawthorne: A Study of Inappropriate Laughter and the Deceptive Quality of Appearance and Reality, Helen Garvey
Administering a Promotional Examination in the Fire Department of a Large Midwestern City, Joseph W. Giganti
Psychological Factors in the Development of Breast Cancer: A Review of the Literature, Monique A. Gillis
College Shock: Adjusting to the University Experience, David George Guon
Character Revelation in Hawthorne: A Study of Inappropriate Laughter and the Deceptive Quality of Appearance and Reality, V. Garvey Helen
Differences between Reports of Former Adolescent Psychiatric Patients and Their Parents with Regard to Post-Discharge Behavior, Michael C. Helford
Cooperation with Treatment in Adolescents with Cancer, Joanna Kentes
Teaching Social Problem-Solving Skills to Children, James Keyes
The Effect of the Absence of a Coronal Seal on Periapical Tissues Following Endodontic Therapy, Richard Alan Kohn
Measurement of Parents of High-Risk Newborns: Beliefs, Attitudes, and Intentions, Margaret M. Kurtz
Mood-Congruent Retrieval: A Methodological Comparison, Claudia Lampman-Petraitis
Immunological Mechanism of Action of an Experimental Nucleoside Drug, Gr1784: Effects on Hematopoiesis and Lymphocyte Mitogenesis, Robert Clive Landis
Metabolite Control of Nitrate Reductase Synthesis in Cucurbita Maxima Var. Buttercup, Randall L. Langendorfer
Cognitive Appraisals and Motive Patterns in Depressed and Nondepressed College Students, Denise B. Lensky
The Relationship between Achievement and Achievement Beliefs: A Path Analysis of a Cognitive Model Or Achievement, Carla M. Leone