A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
A Fifth Century Controversy on Grace: The Theology of Grace in Prosper of Aquitaine, JoseÌ M. Pedrozo
Color Analysis of Composite Materials with a Tristimulus Color Analyzer, Harold George Pryor
Indicators of Empathy in the Rorschach Inkblot Test, Elaine D. Rado
Effect of Temperature Change on Saccular Nerve Fiber Response in Goldfish, Timothy J. Ream
An Application of the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Jurors' Decision Making in a Complex Lawsuit, Leslie A. Scott
Duty to Warn: The Mental Health Practitioner's Legal Responsibility, Madeleine Sharko
Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Susan Sheffey
The Effect of Attitudinal Training upon Job Statisfaction, Shari Solomon
Adjustment to Motherhood of Ten Primiparous Career Women Over the Age of Thirty, Linda S. Stern
Infant Visual Processing: Comparing Predictor Variables, Stephanie Rychlak Stilson
The Influence of Different Margin Designs on Casting Accuracy, Jung-Zen. Syu
Sexism in Textbooks: An Update of Research Through 1988, Patricia W. Tivnan
Urbanization in the People's Republic of China: Continuity and Change, Jing Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
The Relationship between Body Image and Self-Esteem among Undergraduates, Steven C. Abell
Feeding Periodicity of Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens, (Mitchill), in Southwestern Lake Michigan, Ronald J. Abrant
Themes of Generativity in Adult Life Stories, Rachel K. Albrecht
Variations in Bracket Placement in the Preadjusted Orthodontic Appliance, Nasib Balut
Structure and Genomic Organization of Two New Families of Human Repetitive DNA, Susan L. Carnahan
Why a Catholic Is Required to Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Case of Serious Sin, Patrick D. Clementz
A Systematic Reevaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Assessment Instrument Used in the Development of Evaluation Methods in Dentistry Project, David T. Crandall
The Rorschach Erlebnistypus or Experience Type and Psychological Adjustment, Dianne DeSousa
Review of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Troubled Children: A Meta-Analysis, Teresa Fuhrman
Meta-Analysis of Cognitive Strategies and Athletic Performance, Jody Meg Gold
The Effects of Oral and Written Context as a Function of Number and Distribution of Presentations of Vocabulary Acquisition, Ernie J. Hill