A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Preparing Production Workers to Meet the Demands of the Global Economy and a Computerized Manufacturing Environment, Diane Bounds
Transcriptional Control of the Inducible Nitrate Reductase Isoform in Soybean, Glycine Max, John J. Callaci
A Meta-Analytic Review of School-Based Psychotherapy: A Re-Evaluation Concerning Methods and Procedures, Jill Carmody
Jesuit High School Policy in Bombay, India with Particular Reference to the New Educational Policy of the Government of India, Edmund Carrasco
Personality and Cognitive Correlates in Temporal Brightness Perception, Stephen R. Clingerman
Expected and Actual Job Satisfaction of Senior Pharmacy Students, Mary Eileen Dean
Psychological Reactions to Viewing a Simulated Nuclear War Scene, Rocco Domanico
Families at the Margin: Implications for Systems Therapy, Robyn Dent Draper-Praetz
A Comparison of the Training Needs and Program Evaluation of the Vocational Instruction Practicum Participants, Jessica Esslinger
The Magnetic Separation of Rat Anterior Pituitary Cells, Jodi Flaws
Pastoral Counseling and the Kingdom of God, Cheryl A. Furtak
The Human Resource Information System: The Impact of the Computerized Human Resource Function on the Organization, Dayna Gitler
Agency and Communion in Personality Style, Barry J. Hoffman
Dentofacial Development in Children with Chronic Nasal Respiratory Obstruction -- a Cephalometric Study, Tai-Yang Hsi
The Mathematics Curriculum Improvement Project, Debra Ann Jagielski
Maternal Employment and Education, Maternal Emotional Adjustment, and Adolescent Emotional Adjustment, Alicia M. Joebgen
Cognitive Distortion as a Function of Social Anxiety in College Students, Kelly A. Johnson
Geometry of Orthodontic Rectangular Wire and Its Influence on Torque, Jong-Chul. Lee
Diffusion of a Management Innovation in the Nursing Division of a Veterans Administration Hospital, Tammy F. Lio
Psychotherapeutic and Theoretical Considerations in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: A Case Study, Donna Mahoney
Theories of Adult Psychosocial Development: A Review of the Trends in Research from 1983-1989, Dennis P. McNeilly
Cancer Patients at Diagnosis: Appraisals, Coping Strategies and Adjustment, Anne Pelissier Montague
Celibacy and Generativity, Thomas F. Nestor
Measuring Daily Stress in Children, Sheila Hennelly Parfenoff
Rorschach and MMPI Correlates of Rorschach Form Level, Mark Pedrotty