A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
The role of television in the formation of firearm attitudes, Kyle A. Weeks
The Development of the Staff Interaction Patterns Scale: A Measure of Group Process Among Staff in Adolescent Inpatient Milieu, Anne M. Wells
Memories: Writing the life of Mayme Williams Carney, Gloria Yvonne Williams-McCowan
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
The Experience of Coercive and Forceful Sexual Activity Among College Undergraduates, Julia L. Anable
Self-Esteem in Black Alcoholic Women: A Review of the Literature, Kathleen Ann Best
Factors Influencing the Sexual Satisfaction of Spinal Cord Injured Male Veterans, Gail C. Bien
A Theory of Just War and Its Application to the American War in Vietnam, Andrew J. Boyd
Long Range Organization of Alphoid Sequence on Human Chromosome 21, Malini Chawla
Pastoral Counseling and Shame: Contrasting Western and Chinese Perspectives, Grace Li-Hua Chen-McClone
The Relationship of Ethnic Identity and School Achievement Among Mexican American Adolescents, Bautista Yolanda de Domanico
Trainers and Users Guide to Corporate Management Inventory Inquiry, Christopher Dixon
Staff Nurse Perceptions of Performance Feedback in a Clinical Ladder Performance Appraisal System, Eileen T. French
Managing Total Quality Training, Earl E. Frischkorn
The Relationship of Temperamental and Representational Personality Dimensions to Each Other and to Subjective Life Satisfaction, Stephen M. Gedo
Demineralized-Freezed-Dried Bone Allograft and Collagen Membrane in Periodontal Wound Healing, Daniele Giordani
Accuracy of an Electronic Apex Locator: A Clinical Evaluation in Maxillary Molar Teeth, Jeffrey H. Hembrough
Occurrence of Rheumatoid Factor and Hla-Dr4 within Periodontal Patients and Controls, Steven L. Howard
Acidity of Light-Cured Glass Isomer Materials, Najwa Jowharji
An Analysis of Revelation in the Thought of Paul Tillich and Wolfhart Pannenberg, Theodore Kepes
A Comparative Study of Two Techniques Used for Determining the Seated Condylar Position in Human Subjects, Gary Todd Klein
The Effect of Depth on the Permeability and Ultrastructure of Human Coronal Dentin in Primary Molars as Compared to Premolars in Vitro, Vasiliki. Koutsi
Schematic and Taxonomic Memory Organization in Adults, Brooke Leaton
Pattern of Parental Grief Following the Manifestation of Autism in a Progeny: Chronic Sorrow versus Determinant Grief, Nancy L. Maurice
A Review of Outcome Studies of Rational Emotive Therapy, 1982-1989, Margaret. McCarthy
The Relationship between Infant Temperament and Maternal Stress Level in Day Care and Home Care Children, Mario B. Natta