A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Hannah Arendt and Human Rights, Jenifer D. C. Cartland
Metamemory and Learning Ability, William L. Cull
Influence of Surface Treatment on Physical Properties of Dental Porcelain, Anna M. De Ycaza de Boyd
The Effects of Message-Framing on Psychological Control with Respect to Breast Self-Exam Performance, Deborah Karen Dilworth
Family Structure, Maternal Employment, and Daily Experience in Early Adolescence, Elena. Duckett
The Synthesis of Chiral Building Blocks Using Beta-Hydroxy Sulfoxide Dianions, Carla M. Edwards
Handicap International physical therapy assistant training manual, Susan Eitel
Handicap International Physical Therapy Assistant Training Manual, Susan. Eitel
Evaluation of Activity Programming at Nursing Homes, Suzanne Marie Farrell
Detection of dimethylallypyrophosphate : 5'amp transferase enzyme in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Raymond J. Federico
The Effects of Attributions About Male and Female Criminals on Sentencing in Murder Trials, Joseph W. Filkins
Maternal Depression and Its Relationship to Life Circumstances, Social Support, Marital Satisfaction and Employment in Mothers of One Year Olds, Kimberly Higgins Fiske
Coping with Society's Secret: Job-Related Stress, Social Support and Burnout Among Therapists Treating Victims of Sexual Abuse, Carol A. Fredrick McRaith
Coping with Society's Secret: Job-Related Stress, Social Support and Burnout Among Therapists Treating Victims of Sexual Abuse, McRaith Carol A. Fredrick
How're you going to keep them down on the farm : family farms and the American agricultural crisis, Lauree Jean Garvin
The Effects of the Interaural Parameters of the Background Noise on Dichotic Pitch Detection, Anthony N. Grange
Use of Shyness as a Self-Handicapping Device as a Function of Attitudes Toward Shyness, Anna M. Heiberger
Young Adult Offspring of Substance Abusers: Is Adjustment Related to Mental Health of Parents Or Exposure to Abuse/Neglect?, Margit Cox Henderson
Effects of Parents' Perceptions of the Adolescent Experience on Future Parent-Adolescent Relationships, Tracey Hollander
Paternal Involvement in Child Care and Its Relation to Gender-Based Relational Styles in Young Adolescents: A Test of Chodorow's Theory, Lisa A. Jewell
The Inhibitory Effects of the Extracts of Zingiber Plants on the Adsorption, Growth, and Replication of Phage Lpp-1 in Cyanobacterium, Ebby Paul Jido
A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Relations of Child Sexual Abuse to Adult Psychological Adjustment, Shan A. Jumper
Predictors of College Social Integration in a Hispanic Population, Richard Kennel
Black, White, Or "Other"? the Development of a Biracial Identity, Janet Kerf-Wellington