A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
An Assessment of Covert Racism in the Attributional Process Toward Interracial Couples, Holly J. Huck
Affective Predication and the Recall of Personality-Trait Words, Donna G. Hughes
Factors Related to the Adoption of Risk Reducing Behavior for Hiv in Women: A Community Based Study, Tricia Lynn Hunter
Examining differences between circular and rectangular item response answer sheets upon the armed services vocational aptitude battery subtests, Mark David Johnson
Feminist Pieces, Women's Stories and Pastoral Counseling: Reflections of and Emerging Pastoral Counselor, Joan W. Kaltsas
Immunophenotypic analysis of inflammatory cell infiltrates in four proposed subclasses of apical granulomas, Leo L. Lazare
Correlation of 17O Chemical Shifts of Chromium Carbene Complexes with Moss' Mxy Reacitvity Parameter, Shuyuan Liao
Family Therapy and the Multicultural Perspective, Kristin M. Lietz
A Neurophysiological Study of the Auditory Midbrain of the Goldbish, Zhong-min Lu
An Assessment of the Nature and Correlates of Job Satisfaction for Employees of Illinois' Community Integrated Living Arrangements Program, Marie Anne MacKay
Understanding of Spirituality: Implications for Psychotherapy, Mary Lyne Mack
Effects of Perinatal Cocaine Exposure on Sexual Differentiation in the Rat Brain, Heather L. Maecker
Antihypertensive Medications and Salivation, Ivette Martinez-Plata
The Effects of Personal Management Workshops (Affective Skill Training) on Persons Making the Transition from Homelessness, Antoinette McConnell
Social Support and Positive Life Experience: The Relationship of Social Support to Well-Being, Perceived Control, and Positive Life Events, Michael P. Meehan
A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Research on the Affective Growth of Undergraduate Commuter Students in Higher Education from 1978 to 1992, Michael S. Miller
Reactions of 1-Triptycyl Carbinol and Bis-(1-Triptycyl)-Carbinol, Bryce Arthur Milleville
Relationship between Intracellular Ph and Calcium Uptake in the Skeletal Muscle During Sepsis, Gin Mo
A Study of Individual and Group Incentives in Total Quality Management Organizations, Nina Leigh Moll
Nmr Study of Na+-H+ and Na+-Li+ Exchange in Human Erythrocytes, Suilan Mo
The Issue of Personal Power in Late Adolescent Women, Ann Marie Mulgrew
Fresh Woods, and Pastures New: Chorography, Cartography and the Puritan Perspective in "Lycidas", Laura Nilges-Matias
The Tempest in Translation: Shakespeare and American Sign Language, Peter Novak
Self Psychology as a Theoretical Model for Intervention with Adolescent Mothers, Breda M. O'Connell Doak