A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Empower African Women: Toward a Generative Approach to Pastoral Counseling, Franca Onyibor
Photoacclimation of Achnanthes Rostrata to Reduced Illumination, Jeffrey R. Panella
Comparing Normal and Sickle Hemoglobin Oxidation and Heme Transfer in the Presence of Phosphatidylserine Vesicles, Qinghai Pan
Assessing the Inner Experiences of Experienced Therapists Using Cued Recall, June C. Parks
Efficacy, Expectations and Effort: An Investigation of the Role of Cognitive Factors as Mediators of Performance in Alcoholism Treatment, David P. Parrella
Molecular Modeling Studies of Hemoglobin Crosslinking Reactions, Patricia A. Pavlik
Mood and Memory from a Logical Learning Theory Perspective: Effects of Idiographic Rating Versus Mood Induction, Thomas P. Phelan
Gatekeeping Access to Emergency Departments: A Survey of HMO Policies, Regina Conway Phillips
The Ethical Decision Making of Clinical Psychology Graduate Students, Jeanne M. Piette
Induction of Cytotoxic Gene Expression During Rat Cardiac Allograft Rejection and the Effects of Combination Low Dose Cyclosporine A/Methotrexate Immunosuppressive Therapy in Prolonging Graft Survival, Theresa Torres. Pizarro
Socio-spatial relationships : conflicts and compromises in a public library, Annette Prosterman
Religious Issues in Therapy with the Older Adult Client, Susan J. Reardon
Rorschach Assessment of Ego Functioning: A Comparison of the EII and CESI, Justin D. Resnick
Regulation of the Na+/H+ Antiport in Xenopus Laevis Oocytes During Meiotic Maturation, Katayoun Rezai
Enhancing Positive Perception of School: A Model for Hispanic Students Doing Well in School, Diez Carlos Alberto Rivera
Teachers' Expectations and Perceptions of the Discipline Effectiveness of the Male and Female Dean, Kathryn J. Robbins
Gender Differences in Connectedness: An Examination of Maternal and Peer Relationships in Adolescence, Joy Huston Rock
Comparison of Stomach Contents of Smallmouth Bass Collected by Sport Fishermen and Electroshocking, Lyne Marie Ross-Darrus
Regulatory Factors Affecting Nitrate Reductase in Soybean, Glycine Max, Donna Santucci
Pcr Cloning and Sequencing of a CDNA Coding for a Nitrate Reductase Isoform from Soybean, Glycine Max, James Schavocky
And She Would Not Be Consoled: Psychological Adjustment, Grief Reactions and Resolution Grieving the Infertility Loss, Katherine Mary Schnidt
Modulation of Ascending Electrosensory Information by Descending Pathway Stimulation in the Channel Catfish, Lizabeth Scoma
A Practical Guide to Competency Assessment, Jill M. Sheehan
Workplace Loyalty: A Diminishing Return on America's Well-Proven Investment, Lisa O. Sodeika