A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Personality Characteristics of Child Molesters: A Fine-Grained Analysis of MMPI Clinical Subscales, Laura A. Hoffman
Emotional Dilemmas: A Case Study with 7th Grade Girls, Robin L. Hohner
The Salience of differing personality traits in the selection or rejection of peers in middle childhood, Phillip R. Huntsinger
Primary and Team Nursing: Perceived Job Attributes and Work Outcomes, Jerrold Wade Jacobson
Private Speech in Bilingual Children, Diana Jergovic
A Study of Classroom Experiences of Children with Disabilities When They Are Included in Grade Level Classrooms, Elizabeth A. Johnston
Perception of Rape and the Ethic of Care: An Extension of Gilligan's Moral Developmental Schema, Marylouise E. Jones
The Effects of Decision Framing and Persuasive Message Appeals on the Cooperation Rate of Individuals Faced with a Social Dilemma, Joseph S. Kaplan
An Empirical Study of the Area Education Agency Cooperative Purchasing Programs as Utilized by the Local School Districts in the State of Iowa, Paul L. Knudtson
A Literature Review, Duane Alfred Lahti
Sem Evaluation of Margin Geometry and Roughness from Instrumentation of Extracted Natural Teeth, Hsing-Fu Lin
Adolescent Perceptions of Substance Abuse Prevention Methods, Lisa Beth Lisnov
Local Residential Segregation and Diversity: Organizational Efforts Challenging the Inevitability of Racial Separateness, Michael T. Maly
The interaction of O6-benzylguanine and streptozotocin in the inactivation of O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase and the reversal of 1,3 bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea resistance, Upendra Kumar Marathi
An investigation of racial identity, self-esteem and academic achievement among African American high school students, Karen D. McCurtis
Young Children in Family Therapy: A Look at Frequency of Inclusion, Therapist Training, and Therapy Content, Diane H. Mehbod-Wenzel
Predictors for the Utilization of Mental Health Services Among Acculturating Asian Indian Professionals, Vinita Menon
An Anatomical Study of the Maxillary Nerve Block Via the Greater Palatine Canal, Donald A. Miller
An immunocytochemical and ultrastructural investigation of canine cardiac ganglia, Mohamed Hisham Atwa Mostafa
Decolonizing the African Psyche: A Pastoral Counselor's Reflection, Dabula Anthony Mpako
Dopaminergic Modulation of Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons, Mary Elizabeth Muench
Nonprofit Child Care Facility Management: Funding Reliance, Size, and Organization Behavior, Ami E. Nagle
A Portrait of William Maclure as Scientist: Advocate of Utilitarianism for American Education, Roger Nosal
Using Literature to Teach Critical Thinking to Social Work Students, Noer Linda O'Connor