A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Disarming the Demon: Dealing with Denial in Alcoholism Intervention, Brynn Marie O'Brien
Cocaine Dependence: The Relationship of Causal Attributions and Relapse, James W. Pier
Counseling Intervention Methods for the Adult with Advanced Cancer: A Review of the Literature, Rita Catherine Rogers
Breast Self Examination: Factors Influencing Compliance and the Health Belief Model, Jean Marie Russell
Lateral Condensation: An Inside View and the Role of Sealer, Salam. Sakkal
Structure and Function of Human Alphoid DNA, Darryl S. Schlegel
Training America’s Workforce, Marla Ruth. Schweikert
The Babysitter in Loco Parentis: The Beginning of Dual-Attachment, Leslie B.G. von Strauss Simonyi
The Relationship between Creativity, Neurosis, and Mood Disorders, Katherine L. Stetson
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Condyle and Disk Positions within the Temporomandibular Joint, Fangbin. Sun
Quantitation of Type I Collagen MRNA in Intact Human Fibroblasts, Edward Touma
Family Systems and Young Children with Behavior Problems, Trina L. Turner
Affective Predication in Memory for Sentences: Anticipating Meaningfulness Before Meaning Is Fully Known by Alec Ulasevich., Alec Ulasevich
Localized Enamel Hypoplastic Spots on the Labial Surfaces of the Primary Cuspids, Shu-fei Wang
Outcome Evaluation of a Critical Care Orientation Program for Nurses, Mary Frances Wisniewski
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Adult Perceptions of Infant Attractiveness as a Function of Infant Characteristics, Christine Gesell Anderson
Educating Helping Professionals: Public Attitudes and Rape Myths, Linda Breedlove
Isolation and Analysis of the Nitrate Reductase Structural Gene from Squash, Cucurbita Maxima, David Joseph Bryk
Alpha₂-Macroglobulin: Its Purification and Interactions with Proteases, Lectins, and Cellular Receptors, Victor Jerry Buktenica
Interpersonal Consequences of the Narcissistic Personality Style: A Comparative Investigation of Responses to Narcissistic, Dependent, and Neutral Role Enactments, Alexandra F. Corning
A Physiological and Behavioral Study of Emotional Stress in the Rat Medial Frontal Cortex, Robert J. Frysztak
Development of the Husband-Wife Relationship Within a Stepfamily, Thomas A. Genovese
To Be Is to Be in Relationship, Donna Jean O'Connor Hayes
Integration of the Workforce in the Steel Industry: The Inland Steel Experience 1945-1969, Carolyn Hernandez