Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies

Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies


Proceedings of the Middle East Economic Association

Editor of Online Journal:
E. Mine Cinar

Selected condensed and edited papers presented in the annual meetings of Middle East Economic Association and other associated conferences. Full papers can be requested from the authors. Presentation of the articles in the Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies was made possible by a limited license granted to Loyola University Chicago and Middle East Economics Association from the authors who have retained all copyrights in the articles.

The official website of Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies is here. Email Mine Cinar, Editor and Publisher, at with questions.


Submissions from 2005


Understanding Post-independence Visions of Economic Prosperity in Algeria through the Mirror of the Second Napoleonic Empire, Kay Adamson


How to Boost Private Investment in the MENA Countries: The Role of Economic Reforms, Ahmet Aysan, Gaobo Pang, and Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis


General or Vocational: Evidence on School Choice and Returns from Egypt, Fatma El-Hamidi


Do Turkish Exports have a Comparative Advantage with Respect to the European Union Market, 1999-2000, Guzin Erlat and Haluk Erlat


Survey Results on Hunger and Food Insecurity in Yemen, Nader Kabbani


Oil Consumption and Microeconomic Policies: Evidence of Asymmetry in Developing Countries, Magda E. Kandil and Ida A. Mirazaie


A Cross Section Estimate of Translog Production Function: Jordanian Manufacturing Industry, Ali M. Khalil


The Information Revolution and the Industrial Revolution: Today's Egypt in the Shadow of the Past - A Note, Nagla Rizkm


Bank Runs in Emerging Market Countries: Turkey's Special Finance Houses, Martha Starr and Rasim Yilmaz

Submissions from 2004


Oil Economics and Globalization: The Case of the GCC Countries, Yousif Khalifa Al-Yousif


Evaluating Financial Sector Development in the Middle East and North Africa: New Methodology and Some New Results, Susan Creane, Rishi Goyal, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, and Randa Sab


Emerging Strains in GCC Labor Markets, Ugo Fasano and Rishi Goyal


Business Cycles Characte of the Mediterranean Area Countries, Marco Gallegati, Mauro Gallegati, and Wolfgang Polasek


Relative Price Variability: The Case of Turkey 1994-2002, Hande Kucuk and Burc Tuger


Euro Pricing of Crude Oil: An OPEC's Perspective, Mohana Rajamanickam, Massood V. Samii, and Arul Thirunavukkarasu


E-Readiness Assessment of Small and Medium Enterprises in Egypt: A Micro Study, Nagla Rizk


Economic Conditions and Resistance to Occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: There is a Causal Connection, Basel A. Saleh

Submissions from 2003


The Choice Between Accommodative and Non-Accommodative Exchange Rate Policy in the Presence of Foreign Shocks, Serhan Ciftcioglu


Intra Industry Trade and Labour Market Adjustment in Turkey, Guzin Erlat and Haluk Erlat


A Panel Approach to Investigating the Persistence in Turkish Real Exchange Rate, Haluk Erlat and Nilufer Ozdemir


Linkages and Volatility Transmission Between Oil Markets and Stock Markets of the GCC Oil Exporting Countries, Shawkat Hammoudeh, Eisa Al-Eisa, and Rami Al-Nsour


Measuring Poverty and Inequality in Turkey, Yusuf Ziya Ozcan and Kivilcim Metin Ozcan


Poverty in Egypt: 1974 - 1996, Tamer Rady, George A.Slotsve, and Khan Mohabbat


Can Fiscal Decentralization Contribute to Poverty Reduction? Challenges Facing a Low Income Country, Mona Said, Zuzana Brixiova, and Edward R. Gemayel


The Labor Market Effects of Palestinian Return Migration, Edward Sayre