"Addendum: a second Poem by Eduard Dorsch on the occasion of Humboldt's" by Reinhard Andress

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Publication Title

Humboldt im Netz





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University of Potsdam and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences


In a previously published article in HIN under the title of “Eduard Dorsch and his unpublished poem on the occasion of Humboldt's 100th birthday,” I elaborated on Dorsch's poem that was read in Detroit in front of a German-American audience on Sept. 14, 1869, a day widely celebrated in the US in honor of Humboldt. Although it was not surprising that Dorsch wrote the occasional poem in the first place given his affinities with Humboldt's world of thought, a discovery of a second occasional poem upon further research in Dorsch's voluminous papers was indeed unexpected, in this case read on the same date in Monroe, Michigan. Although there are a number of similarities between the Detroit and Monroe versions, there are enough differences that warrant this addendum to my original article.


Author Posting © Reinhard Andress, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of Reinhard Andress for personal use, not for redistribution. The article was published in Humboldt im Netz, Volume 20, Issue 39, December 2019, https://doi.org/10.18443/285

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