Articles, papers, presentations, and other materials authored by faculty from the Modern Languages and Literatures department of Loyola University Chicago's College of Arts & Sciences.
Submissions from 2024
Adam Kucharski: Placing Poland at the Heart of Irishness, John A. Merchant
Estranging the Novel: Poland, Ireland, and Theories of World Literature, John A. Merchant
Submissions from 2023
Hacia la construcción de una ‘ciudadanía casera’ en Ilegal: reflexiones de un inmigrante indocumentado (2019), de José Ángel Navejas, Gabriela Buitrón Vera
Introduction: Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz's The Teacher, Jack Hutchens
The Teacher, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz and Jack Hutchens
Submissions from 2022
Ethical Compatibility of Socially Responsible Banking: Comparing the Japanese Main Bank System with the USA, Kanji Kitamura
Review: Rethinking Joseph Conrad's Concepts of Community: Strange Fraternity, John A. Merchant
‘Chismes de la ciudad letrada’: nostalgia, exilio y la construcción del canon cubano en la ensayística de Cabrera Infante, Ana B. Rodriguez Navas
Submissions from 2021
Preface, Cristina Lombardi-Diop
A part le bonheur, il n’y a rien d’essentiel: The Transnational Narrative Model in Maryse Condé’s Desirada, Eliana Vāgālāu
Submissions from 2020
Unfreiwillige Wanderjahre von Egon Schwarz: Erfahrung, Bildung und Glück auf dem Weg zur Wirkungsmächtigkeit im Exil, Reinhard Andress
Writing strategies to develop literacy skills for Spanish heritage language learners, Clara Burgo
The Absurd: Postwar Reception and Wartime Echoes at Yale French Studies, Julia Elsky
The Culture We Belong To, Anna Clara Ionta
Filial Descent: The African Roots of Postcolonial Literature in Italy, Cristina Lombardi-Diop
Teaching Language Courses Online During a Global Pandemic, Maria Robertson-Justiniano
Edwidge Danticat: The Haitian Diasporic Imaginary, by Nadège T. Clitandre, Ana B. Rodríguez Navas
Submissions from 2019
Addendum: a second Poem by Eduard Dorsch on the occasion of Humboldt's 100th birthday, Reinhard Andress
Die Romantrilogie des argentinisch-österreichischen Schriftstellers Germán Kratochwil: das Große im Kleinen Patagoniens, Reinhard Andress
‘Leb wohl Südamerika’ und ‘Dank an die Emigration’ – Texte aus dem Nachlass von Egon Schwarz, Reinhard Andress
Robert Schopflochers Eine Kindheit (2018): die „Herzstücke“ aus seinen Erzählbänden, Reinhard Andress
Texte aus dem Nachlass von Egon Schwarz — “Lebe wohl Südamerika” und “Dank an die Emigration”, Reinhard Andress
The Redemptive Qualities of Gottfried von Cramm, Reinhard Andress
Review of Border Lampedusa, Cristina Lombardi-Diop
Submissions from 2018
Eduard Dorsch and his Unpublished Poem on the Occasion of Humboldt's 100th Birthday, Reinhard Andress
The Altenheim: a German Old People's Home in Forest Park through the Ages, Reinhard Andress
Rethinking Ionesco’s Absurd: The Bald Soprano in the Interlingual Context of Vichy and Postwar France, Julia Elsky
Early Guaraní Printing: Nieremberg’s De la diferencia and the Global Dissemination of Seventeenth-Century Spanish Asceticism, D. Scott Hendrickson
Anthony Bukoski - An Outpost of Polishness, John A. Merchant
Idle Talk, Deadly Talk: The Uses of Gossip in Caribbean Literature, Ana B. Rodriguez Navas
Submissions from 2017
A Short Letter by Humboldt to Jefferson, Reinhard Andress
Erinnerungen an den Exilanten und Literaturwissenschaftler Egon Schwarz (1922-2017), Reinhard Andress
Erinnerungen an den Exilanten und Literaturwissenschaftler Egon Schwarz (1922-2017), Reinhard Andress
Grenzüberschreitungen und Kulturvermittlung im Werk von Robert(o) Schopflocher, Reinhard Andress
Robert Schopflochers historischer Roman Das Komplott zu Lima: Literarizität und Aktualität der Inquisition, Reinhard Andress
The Germania Club of Chicago — A History and Some Curiosities, Reinhard Andress
Culture and Instruction in the Spanish Heritage Language Classroom, Clara Burgo
Meeting Student Needs: Integrating Spanish Heritage Language Learners into the Second Language Classroom, Clara Burgo
How Do We Proceed with Our Own Internal Conflict?: On the Translation of Mihail Sebastian’s “For Two Thousand Years, Julia Elsky
John W. O’Malley, S.J. The Jesuits and the Popes: A Historical Sketch of Their Relationship. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2016. Pp. 149. Hb, $40., D. Scott Hendrickson
Seeing in Imagination: Visual Representation and Spiritual Contemplation in the Ascetical Treatises of Juan Eusebio Nieremberg, D. Scott Hendrickson
REVIEW: Echoes of Tattered Tongues: Memory Unfolded by John Z. Guzlowski, John A. Merchant
Words as Weapons: Gossip in Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Ana Rodríguez Navas
Submissions from 2016
Globalization and Possibilities for Intercultural Awareness: Multimodal Arabic Culture Portfolios at a Catholic University, Sawsan Abbadi
Eine Bitte an Thomas Jefferson um Tabaksamen: ein unveröffentlichter Brief Alexander von Humboldts, Reinhard Andress
Ein unveröffentlichter Brief Alexander von Humboldts an den Buchhändler Jean-Georges Treuttel, Reinhard Andress
Erinnerungen an Robert(o) Schopflocher: Ein multikulturelles Leben als Vorbild, Reinhard Andress
Fritz Kalmars “Das Wunder von Büttelsburg”: Eine österreichische Stimme aus dem südamerikanischen Exil zur Vergangenheitsbewältigung, Reinhard Andress
José Ramón Marcaida López, Arte y Ciencia en el Barroco Español. Seville: Fundación Focus Abengoa; Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2014. Pp. 337. Hb, 27 Euros, D. Scott Hendrickson
Prologue in Nieremberg. Aforismsos y Fragmentos Sobre la Naturaleza Humana, D. Scott Hendrickson
Oltre l'Italia: Riflessioni sul Presente e il Futuro del Postcoloniale, Cristina Lombardi-Diop and Caterina Romeo
Gossip and Nation in Rosario Ferré’s "Maldito amor", Ana Rodríguez Navas
Gossip and Nation in Rosario Ferré’s Maldito Amor, Ana Rodríguez Navas
Two Entries in the Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography, Ana B. Rodriguez Navas
Submissions from 2015
La Poesía de Don Juan de Arguijo: Expresión de una Comunidad, Olympia Gonzalez
Transoceanic Race: A Postcolonial Approach to Italian American Studies, Cristina Lombardi-Diop
Darwin and Girard: Natural and Human Science, Andrew J. McKenna
Submissions from 2014
‘Dritter Raum’ und ‘Hybridität’: der Fall des argentinisch-deutschen Schriftstellers Robert(o) Schopflocher, Reinhard Andress
“... heiße ich daher die Emigration gut“: Der Fall des Egon Schwarz, Reinhard Andress
Robert(o) Schopflocher als Autor-Übersetzer eigener Texte: das Beispiel der Erzählungen ‘El horario’ und ‘Die Erinnyen’, Reinhard Andress
Espacios Femeninos en Posesas de la Habana: un Caso de Llaves Desaparecidas, Olympia Gonzalez
Bandera, Cesareo, A Refuge of Lies: Reflections on Faith and Fiction. East Lansing, MI: MSU Press, 2013, Andrew J. McKenna
Voltaire's Victims and Us, Andrew J. McKenna
Submissions from 2012
Ein kurzer Brief Humboldts an den Hofmarschall, Reinhard Andress
Erste Briefe / First Letters aus dem Exil 1945-1950. (Un)mögliche Gespräche. Fallbeispiele des literarischen und künstlerischen Exils, Reinhard Andress
Juan de Arguijo y las Pasiones, Olympia Gonzalez
Submissions from 2011
Universal Identities and Local Realities: Young Poland's (Mis)readings of Synge, John A. Merchant
Submissions from 2009
Cultural Untranslatability, Kanji Kitamura
Submissions from 2008
Reading Pushkin’s Tales of Belkin through Sainte-Beuve’s Vie, Poésies et Pensées de Joseph Delorme, Ana B. Rodriguez Navas
Submissions from 2001
The Impact of Irish Ireland on Young Poland, 1890-1918, John A. Merchant
Submissions from 1998
Recent Polish-American Fiction, John A. Merchant