Submissions from 2002
The Perfect Body: Biomedical Utopias, Hille Haker
Doing Good Science Without Sacrificing Good Values: Why the Heuristic Paradigm is the Best Choice for Social Work, Jessica Heineman-Pieper, Katherine Tyson McCrea, and Martha Heineman Pieper
Imagining Space and Siting Collective Memory in South Asian Muslim Biographical Literature (Tazkirahs), Marcia K. Hermansen
Brand Name Translation: Language Constraints, Product Attributes and Consumer Perceptions in East and Southeast Asia, Frank C. Hong, Anthony Pecotich, and Clifford J. Shultz
'Die Binnenwanderung’ in Byzantine Egypt, James G. Keenan
Parallel Characterization of Anaerobic Toluene-and Ethylbenzene-Degrading Microbial Consortia by PCR-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis, RNA-DNA Membrane Hybridization, and DNA Microarray Technology, Yoshikazu Koizumi, John J. Kelly, Tatsunori Nakagawa, Hidetoshi Urakawa, Said El Fantroussi, Saleh Al-Muzaini, Manubu Fukui, Yoshikuni Urushigawa, and David A. Stahl
Wrongful Life? The Strange Case of Nicholas Perruche, M. Therese Lysaught
The Impact of the Scanlon Plan on Retail Store Performance, K. Dow Scott, Jane Floyd, Philip G. Benson, and James W. Bishop
Increasing Company Competitiveness: “Tuning-Up” Your Pay System, K. Dow Scott, Dennis Morajda, and James W. Bishop
Interlibrary Loan: Integral Component of Global Resource Sharing, Robert A. Seal
Caduceus 2002, Stritch School of Medicine
Java at Middle Age: Enabling Java for Computational Science, George K. Thiruvathukal
Web Programming in Python: Techniques for Integrating Linux, Apache, and MySQL, George K. Thiruvathukal, Thomas W. Christopher, and John P. Shafaee
A Blueprint for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support: Implementation of Three Components, Anna Turnbull, Hank Bohanon, Peter Griggs, Donna Wickham, Wayne Sailor, Rachel Freeman, Doug Guess, Steve Lassen, Amy McCart, Jiyeon Park, Laura Riffel, Rud Turnbull, and Jared Warren
Single-Base-Pair Discrimination of Terminal Mismatches by Using Oligonucleotide Microarrays and Neural Network Analyses, Hidetoshi Urakawa, Peter A. Noble, Said El Fantroussi, John J. Kelly, and David A. Stahl
Submissions from 2001
Selective, Orally Active MMP Inhibitors with an Aryl Backbone, Thomas Barta, Daniel P. Becker, Louis J. Bedell, and Gary A. De Crescenzo
Alpha-Alkyl-alpha-amino-beta-sulphone Hydroxamates as Potent MMP Inhibitors that Spare MMP-1, Daniel Becker, Gary A. DeCrescenzo, John Freskos, and Daniel P. Getman
α-Amino-β-sulphone hydroxamates as potent MMP-13 inhibitors that spare MMP-1, Daniel P. Becker Ph.D., Thomas E. Barta, Louis Bedell, Gary DeCrescenzo, John Freskos, Daniel P. Getman, Susan L. Hockerman, Madeleine Li, Pramod Mehta, Brent Mischke, Grace E. Munie, Craig Swearingen, and Clara I. Villamil
It's OK Here: A History of Deborah’s Place, An Organization Serving Women Who Are Homeless or Formerly Homeless in Chicago, 1985 – 2000, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Linda S. Von Dreele, Gloria P. Montgomery, and Deborah's Place
Crying ‘Wolf’? A Review Essay on Recent Wagner Literature, David B. Dennis
At "Ground Zero": September 11, 2001, Michael P. Dentato
New Solvable Singular Potentials , R. Dutt, Asim Gangopadhyaya, C. Rasinariu, and Uday P. Sukhatne
Positive Behavioral Support: Family, School, and Community Partnerships, H. Corine Frankland, Hank Bohanon, and Anna Turnbull
Exact Solutions of the Schroedinger Equation: Connection between Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Spectrum Generating Algebras, Asim Gangopadhyaya, Jeffrey Mallow, C. Rasinariu, and Uday P. Sukhatne
Broken Supersymmetric Shape Invariant Systems and Their Potential Algebras, Asim Gangopadhyaya, Jeffrey Mallow, and Uday P. Sukhatne
Compassion as a Global Programme for Christianity, Hille Haker
Ethical Aspects of Prenatal Genetic Diagnostics, Hille Haker
The Dark Side of American Environmentalism, Benjamin Heber Johnson
“Of Me and of Mine”: The Music of Racial Identity in Whitman and Lanier, Dvořák and DuBois, John Kerkering
"We Are Five-and-Forty": Meter and National Identity in Sir Walter Scott, John Kerkering
Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement: Centenary Essays, Stephen T. Krupa
Genetic Testing's "Soft Underbelly": Christian Vision and Bio-Utopia, M Therese Lysaught
"Mere Genes." A Review of Life Script, by Nicholas Wade, and The Misunderstood Gene, by Michael Morange, M. Therese Lysaught
Literary Evidence for Roman Arithmetic with Fractions, David W. Maher and John F. Makowski
J. Henderson, Aristophanes Volumes I-III (Loeb Classical Library 2000), John F. Makowski
Are There Rational Bubbles in the US Stock Market? Overview and a New Test, A. (Tassos) G. Malliaris and Ramaprasad Bhar
Is the Federal Reserve Bank Stock Market Bubble-Neutral?, A. (Tassos) G. Malliaris and Marc D. Hayford
Robert Dahl and the Right to Workplace Democracy, Robert Mayer
Innovative Therapeutic Care for Homeless, Mentally Ill Clients: Intrapsychic Humanism in a Residential Setting, Katherine Tyson McCrea and Emily Carroll
The Impact of Irish Ireland on Young Poland, 1890-1918, John A. Merchant
A Response to Hogan and Simpson, John P. Pelissero and Timothy B. Krebs
The Intangible Benefits of International Resource Sharing, Robert A. Seal
Reference 2001: A Director’s Admonitions, Robert A. Seal
Estrogen Influences on the Developing Rat Hippocampus Through Interactions with the Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and P160 Coactivator Proteins, Derek Tyler Solum
Caduceus 2001, Stritch School of Medicine
How uses ABC to succeed, Thomas Zeller, David Kublank, and Philip G. Makris
Submissions from 2000
Sisl: Several Interfaces, Single Logic, Thomas Ball, Christopher P. Colby, Peter Danielsen, Lalita Jategaonkar Jagadeesan, Radhakrishnan Jagadeesan, Konstantin Laufer, Peter Mataga, and Kenneth Rehor
Synthesis and Activity of Selective MMP Inhibitors with an Aryl Backbone, Thomas Barta, Daniel P. Becker, Louis J. Bedell, and Gary A. De Crescenzo
How Do We Keep Desire from Passing with Beauty?, Pamela L. Caughie
Housing Discrimination and Economic Opportunity in the Chicago Region, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Michael Leachman, and Philip Nyden
A Novel Application Development Environment for Large-Scale Scientific Computations, Alok Choudhary, Mahmut Kandemir, Wei-Keng Liao, G Memik, S More, X Shen, A Singh, and George K. Thiruvathukal
High-Performance Java Platform Computing, Thomas W. Christopher and George K. Thiruvathukal
Beethoven at Large: Reception in Literature, the Arts, Philosophy, and Politics, David B. Dennis
Johannes Brahms's Requiem eines Unpolitischen, David B. Dennis
Introduction: A Changing Indonesia, Maribeth Erb and Kathleen M. Adams
Automated Systematic Testing for Constraint-Based Interactive Services, Patrice Godefroid, Lalita Jategaonkar Jagadeesan, Radha Jagadeesan, and Konstantin Laufer
Narrative und moralische Identität bei Paul Ricoeur, Hille Haker
The Mediterranean Before Modernity, James G. Keenan
Witnessing Christ in Their Bodies: Martyrs and Ascetics as Doxological Disciples, M Therese Lysaught
A Review of A Different Death: Euthanasia and the Christian Tradition by Edward J. Larson and Darrel W. Amundsen, M. Therese Lysaught
Eucharist as Basic Training: Liturgy, Ethics, and the Body, M. Therese Lysaught
Is it Killing? Jodie, Mary & God, M. Therese Lysaught
"Not So Fast, Mr. Wilson." A Review of Genes, Genesis and God: Values and Their Origins in Natural and Human History by Holmes Rolston., M. Therese Lysaught
Decisional and Behavioral Procrastination: How They Relate to Self-Discrepancies, Lucia E. Orellana-Damacela, R Scott Tindale, and Yolanda Suárez-Balcázar
Does Political Incorporation Matter? The Impact of Minority Mayors Over Time, John P. Pelissero, David B. Holian, and Laura A. Tomaka
Asian Americans, Political Organizations, and Participation in Chicago Electoral Precincts, John P. Pelissero, Timothy B. Krebs, and Shannon Jenkins
A Java Graphical User Interface for Large-Scale Scientific Computations in Distributed Systems, X Shen, George K. Thiruvathukal, Wei-keng Liao, Alok Choudhary, and A Singh
Caduceus 2000, Stritch School of Medicine
Java on Networks of Workstations (JavaNOW): A Parallel Computing Framework Inspired by Linda and the Message Passing Interface (MPI), George K. Thiruvathukal, Phil M. Dickens, and Shahzad Bhatti
Submissions from 1999
Intra-marital Sharing Rules with Evidence from Turkey, Nejat Anbarci and E. Mine Cinar
Enantioselective Synthesis of Dual Serotonergic Azanoradamantane SC-52491, Daniel Becker, Robert K. Husa, Alan E. Moormann, and Clara I. Villamil
Stem Cell Research: Licit or Complicit?, Vincent Branick and M Therese Lysaught
Passing, Pamela Caughie
The Secure Program: Safety Enhanced Communities Utilizing Resident Endeavors - Final Report, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Richard Block, Adriana Gonzalez, Laura Herrin, and David Katz
Supplemental Security Income - An Underused Resource For Disabled TANF Recipients in Illinois, Center for Urban Research and Learning and Michael A. O'Connor
Inroads to Technology: Evening the Playing Field for the 21st Century - PRAG Publication, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Policy Research Action Group, Derek Pasnick, Maureen Hellwig, Carol Hibler, Martin Mercado, Kent Unruh, and Suzanne Whelden
Coordinate Realizations of Deformed Lie Algebras with Three Generator, Ranabir Dutt, Asim Gangopadhyaya, C. Rasinariu, and Uday P. Sukhatne
Comment on "Ideal Capacitor Circuits and Energy Conservation" by K. Mita and M. Boufaida [Am. J. Phys. 67 (8), 737-739 (1999)], Asim Gangopadhyaya and Jeffrey Mallow
America's Heart, Timothy J. Gilfoyle
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1998-1999, Loyola University Rome Center
An empowering approach to crisis intervention and brief treatment with preschool children, Katherine Tyson McCrea
Marketing and the Tragedy of the Commons: A Synthesis, Commentary, and Analysis for Action, Clifford J. Shultz and Morris B. Holbrook
Caduceus 1999, Stritch School of Medicine
Demon Possession and Exorcism in the Context of Divine Providence in Luke-Acts, Charles Badu Yeboah
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Rupture in the Ordinary, Geraldine Abbatiello
Sending an American Indian Voice: D'Arcy McNickle: Educator, Anthropologist, Historian: An Intellectual Biography, Bonnie Jean Adams
Dewey and Montessori Collaboration, Louise Augusta Anderson-Doniat
Perspectives: Public High School Principles of Illinois 1996 Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence on the Design and Supervision of Reading Programs in Their Repective Schools, Jerry Lee Anderson
The Effects of a Conflict Prevention Program on Self-Efficacy and Prevention Beliefs of African American Children, Christine Carol Asidao
924:10: A Service-Learning and the Law: An Analysis, Bernardien Austin
The Effects of Dysphoria, Self-Relevance, and Outcome on Hindsight Bias, Gregory W. Bailey
The Baltar Sexual Identity Inventory, Female Form: A Multidimensional Measure of Sexual Identity, Joseph F. Baltar
The Baltar Sexual Identity Inventory, Female Form: A Multidimensional Measure of Sexual Identity, Joseph F. Baltar
Mind and the Inner-Outer Dichotomy, Richard Baluck
Penitents Or Prostitutes ?: The Narratives of Fallen Women in Defoe,Richardson, and Fielding, Beth Martin Birky
An Exploration of Mind-Body Categories Using the Personal Beliefs Scale, Sharon K. Black
VH Gene Usage in VHa2 Allotype-Producing B Cells from Mutant Alicia Rabbits, Anusorn Boonthum
Patterns and Correlates of Cavaas Performance by Students with Spina Bifida and Attention Problems, Susan Boyle-Fields
Awakenings: Developing a Pastoral Response to Gay Male Adolecscents Within a Catholic School System, Gerard J. Brady