Theses/Dissertations from 1998
The Caregiver's Experience of Deliberative Mutual Patterning with Pain-Ridden Substance Users, Gaile Hausaman Nellett
A Curriculum for Teaching Talmud, Jeremy D. Neuman
Giants among us : a study of first-generation college graduates, Sandria D. Rodriguez
An Analysis of Secondary School Teacher Attitudes Toward Instructional Technology Use in the Context of Motivation Theory, Timothy G. Sassen
Erasing Boundaries: Global Resource Sharing in the 21st Century, Robert A. Seal
Caduceus 1998, Stritch School of Medicine
Java Grande Forum Report: Making Java Work for High-End Computing, George K. Thiruvathukal
Reflective Remote Method Invocation, George K. Thiruvathukal, Lovely S. Thomas, and Andy T. Korczynski
Submissions from 1997
Ethnic Tourism and the Renegotiation of Tradition in Tana Toraja (Sulawesi, Indonesia), Kathleen M. Adams
Touting Touristic Primadonas: On Tourism, Ethnic Negotiation and National Integration in Sulawesi Indonesia, Kathleen M. Adams
The Impact of Work on Gay Male Identity Among Male Flight Attendants, Kay V. Adams
The Acquisition of Critical Thinking Skills and Personal Qualities in Behavior Disordered Students in Real World Environments Versus Structured Classroom Settings, Janice LeDonne Alexander
Perceived Barriers to Career Choice: Relations to Socioeconomic Status and Career Aspirations, Brian A. Altman
Uncovering the Reasons Why People Choose to Watch Violence: What Is the Relationship with Anxiety and Fear of Crime?, Elizabeth Marie Anderson
Understanding the Career Aspirations of African American Male Adolescents: An Investigation of the Achievement Motivation, Parenting and Peer Support Components, Malcolm E. Anderson
NORF1, a Putative Human Group I RNA Helicase That Regulates Nonsense MRNA Levels, Steven E. Applequist
Eating Disorder Symptomology and Atitudes Toward Sport Psychology, Marla N. Arnold
Having You There Made It Better: The Feminist Emotion Work of Sexual Assault Crisis Counselors, Caryn Aviv
A Study of Performance Appraisal Methods Utilized to Evaluate the Performance of Self-Directed Work Teams, Linda D. Baxter
Family Rituals 1960S & 1990S, Angeline Becker
Serotonin 5-HT4 Agonist Activity of a Series of Meso-Azanoradamantane Benzamides, Daniel Becker, Roger Nosal, Clara I. Villamil, and Gary Gullikson
Synthetic Strategies for the Construction of Enantiomeric Azanoradamantanes, Daniel Becker, Roger Nosal, Daniel L. Zabrowski, and Daniel Flynn
Benthic Invertebrate Community Responses to Round Goby (Neogobius Melanostomus) and Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Invasion in Southern Lake Michigan, Linda A. Benning
Faculty Perceptions of Research Responsibilities and Choices at a Catholic University, Raymond Benton Jr. and Marc D. Hayford
The Relationship between Control-Based Personality Variables and Transportation Attitudes and Behavior, Cynthia F. Britton
Teaching the Process of Instrument Selection in Family Research, Jennifer H. Brockway and Fred B. Bryant
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Understanding Freshman Attrition Using Person-Environment Fit Theory, Jennifer Howard Brockway
Perception and Context: A Contextual Theory of Perception Based upon Husserl's Theory of Horizons and James's Theory of Fringes, Christopher John Broniak
The Gospel and Ignatius of Antioch, Charles Thomas Brown
The Social Construction of Reality Among Black Disadvantaged Adolescents: A Case Study Exploring the Relationship of Poverty, Race, and Schooling, Loretta J. Brunious
Loyola University Day School an Historical Perspective, Laurie Bushman
A Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Knowledge Structures between Expert Novice and Struggling Novice Accounting Students, Michael L. Carroll
Let It Pass: Changing the Subject, Once Again, Pamela L. Caughie
Professionalism and Expertise: A Case Study of the Occupation of Physical Therapy, Katherine A. Cermak
Envelope Perception by the Goldfish, Carassius Auratus, Michael F. Chronopoulos
An Exploratory Study of the Meaning of Prescription Medication to Children Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Catharina H. Clarke
The Ethical Methodology of Richard A. Mccormick, S.J.: As Applied to Treatment Decisions for Defective Neonates, Peter A. Clark
Predictions of Urban, Ethnically Diverse, Early School-Age Children's Academic Achievement Using a Neuropsychological Screening Battery, Stephen R. Clingerman
The Effects of Downsizing on Survivor Employees: A Literature Review, Alice H. Crawford
Student Culture at Wheaton College: Understanding Student Life on an Evangelical Christian College Campus, Kevin D. Cumings
Singlet-Oxygen-Mediated Inactivation of Acetylcholinesterase: A Comparison of Purified Enzyme in Solution and Enzyme Bound to K562 Leukemia Cells, Gail D. Deadwyler
“Beethoven in National Socialist Political Culture,” paper for the “Musicology Colloquium Series", David B. Dennis
Review Essay on Recent Literature about Music and German Politics, David B. Dennis
Review of Jonathan Petropoulos, Art as Politics in the Third Reich (Chapel Hill: North Carolina U.P., 1996), David B. Dennis
Global Training and Education: An Examination of Context, Cultural Toughness, and Minimum Necessary Change in Internationally Diverse Organizational Settings, Leslie E. Dennis
Oxidative Reactions in Normal and Sickle Hemoglobin-Lipid Mixtures Under Various Conditions, Merita Nirmali Dias
The Development of Normative Data for the Occupational Stress Inventory Using Fire Fighters, Joseph J. DiGiovanni
Performing the Self: Subjectivity, Feminist Theory, and Political Praxis, Ann Victoria Dolinko
Imitating Fathers: Tradition, Inheritance, and the Reproduction of Culture in Anglo-Saxon England, Michael David Craig Drout
Parents' Work in a Family Context Linkages between Paid Work, Family Work, and Young Adolescents' Emotional Well-Being, Elena Duckett
More Than Red Ribbons: Student Affairs Professionals Who Advocate for HIV/AIDS Issues in Higher Education, John Michael Durnil
In Vitro Fertilization and Artificial Insemination: Ethical Consideration, Joseph Ibegbulem Ekweariri
Structure-Function Analysis of the Catalytic Domain of the Histidine Kinase Chea, Dolph David Ellefson
Novel Palladium (II) Catalysts for Asymmetric Synthesis, Arab El-Qisairi
An Analysis of the Strategies Employed by Selected Administrators in the Privatization of Support Services, Liliana Evers
Effect of AF64A on Rat Brain Septo-Hippocampal and Striatal Cholinergic Systems: A Neurochemical and Molecular Analysis, Qing Ivy Fan
The Herpesvirus Protease: Mechanistic Studies and Discovery of Inhibitors of the Human Cytomegalovirus Protease, Daniel L. Flynn, Daniel P. Becker, Vickie Dilworth, and Maureen Highkin
Interleukin-2 Activated Lymphocytes Use CD11B/CD18 for Adhesion to Candida Albicans, Christopher B. Forsyth
Technologies for Ubiquitous Supercomputing: A Java Interface to the Nexus Communication system, Ian Foster, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Steven Tuecke
Molecular Dynamics of the Hammerhead Ribozyme, Vasant T. Gandhi
N-Methylation of Beta-Carbolines as a Potential Bioactivation Route in Parkinson's Disease, Debra Ann Gearhart
An Analysis of the Influence of Gang Membership on Truancy and School Dropout, Ronn L. Gibbs
Making History: A Chicago School of Literature- Gwendolyn Brooks and Studs Terkel, Timothy Gilfoyle
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae-Produced Recombinant Pfs230: A Malaria Transmission-Blocking Vaccine Candidate, Kathryn M. Glynn
The Relationship of Supervision to Trainee Self Efficacy and Patient Involvement in Therapy, Jessica A. Golub
The Role of Negative Affectivity, Positive Affectivity, and Locus of Control in the Stress-Coping Process and the Persistence of Chronic Headaches, Enrique Gonzalez
Early Heterosexual Risk Among Urban African American Preadolescents: A Developmental Perspective, Gregory Louis Greenwood
Differential Teacher-Child Communications in Head Start, Irmgard M. Gruber
Role of TGF-† in Heart Development: Analysis of the Type II TGF-† Receptor, Patricia S. Grutkoski
Asymmetric Synthesis by Palladium (II) Catalysis: Chirality Transfer and New a Symmetric Catalytic System, Othman Hamed
Being and God in Aristotle and Heidegger: The Role of Method in Thinking the Infinite, Catriona Hanley
Thursdays at the Torch: The Negotiation of Non-Monogamous Relationships Among Members of a Lesbian S/M Community, Lori Harmon
Ionic Interaction Studies of Bovine Copper, Zinc-Superoxide Dismutase, Hanan A. Hasan
Women's Self-Defense Training: An Applied Analysis of Self-Efficacy Theory, Margit Cox Henderson
A Study of Parental Interviews on Bilingual Programs for Vietnamese Students, Joseph Hieu
Separation Anxiety in Army Wives with Deployed Husbands, Alison Holland
Disease Severity and Psychosocial Adjustment in Pre-Adolescents with Spina Bifida, Jennifer Schneider Hommeyer
The Motivations and Satisfactions of Teachers in Jewish Education, Arie M. Isaacs
Bedlam, Charity, and Renaissance Drama: Reconfiguring the Relationship between Institutions in History, Kenneth S. Jackson
Risk Factors Associated with Suicide Probability in HIV Positive and AIDS Patients, Kenneth W. Jackson
Support Systems and Adolescent Mothers: Effects on Parent-Child Interaction, Kim Jacobs
The Role of Touch in Attachment: Gender Differences and Security of Attachment, Julie M. Jeffrey
Ph and Osmolality Effects on Lipid-Enhanced Sickle and Normahemoglobin Oxidation, Sharron Kay Jenkins
The Covert Processes of Counselors in-Training at the First Practicum Level: A Pilot Study, Eric P. Johnson
The Phenomenology of Being Restrained, Mary Elizabeth Johnson
Parental Overprotection and Autonomy in Pre-Adolescents with Spina Bifida, Sharon Z. Johnson
Regulation of the Activities of the Three Nitrate Reductase Isoforms in Wild-Type Soybean Glycine Max (L.) Merr. (Variety Williams) by Protein Phosphorylation, Maribel T. Joson
Evaluating the Impact of an Undergraduate Multicultural Training Skills Program, Scott C. Juarez
A Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Victims of Sexual Abuse and Assault, Laura E. Kenealy
Factors Influencing Psychologists' Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse: Gender, Age, and Theoretical Orientation, Richard Kennel
An Examination of the Relationship between Gender Role Orientation and Self-Esteem in a College-Aged Population, Karen Komosa
Receiv'd with Plaudits in the Capitol: Whitman's Readers and the Politics of the Canon, Alan Edward Kozlowski
The Politics of Chicago City Council Elections, 1979-1995, Timothy B. Krebs
Learning Disabilities Versus Motivational Problems: Creating a Balanced Learning Assistance Program, Sandra S. LaBlance
An Investigation of Home-School Interactions and Interventions: A Family Systems Perspective, Julie A. Lackaff