Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The Role of Social Support in the Transition of Adolescent Males to Residential Care, Stephen J. Dohner
Career Possible Selves and the Conscious Use of a Metaphor in an Adventure Retreat, Juliet C. Duerlinger
Noncentral Potentials and Spherical Harmonics Using Supersymmetry and Shape Invariance, Ranabir Dutt, Asim Gangopadhyaya, and Uday P. Sukhatne
The Synthesis of Azure B Derivatives: Potential Pro-Drugs for Photodynamic Therapy, Carla M. Edwards
The Relationship of Relapse Into Alcohol and Drug Use and Emphatic Needs in the Dual Diagnosed Client, Jeanne M. Engel
Career Development for Exempt Level Employees in a Manufacturing Environment, Darryl L. English
The Distribution of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) and Glutamate in the Electrosensory System of the Channel Catfish, Ictalurus Punctatus, Christian M. Fay
The Interactive Effects of Crime Prototype and Criminal Stereotype on Juridical Decisions, Joseph W. Filkins
Moral Views of Freshmen in Selected Christian Colleges, Dennis Fledderjohann
The Effect of Estrogen in a Murine Model of Peritoneal Adhesion Formation, Michelle Rene Frazier-Jessen
An Exploratory and Descriptive Analysis of Total Quality Management and Professional Nursing Education to Meet Healthcare Needs, Barbara Mary Huspen Gaffke
Potentials with Two Shifted Sets of Equally Spaced Eigenvalues and Their Calogero Spectrum, Asim Gangopadhyaya and Uday P. Sukhatme
A Process to Develop a Model That Will Assess the Lasallian Charism in Christian Brother Secondary Schools, James M. Gay
A Structural Analysis of a Social-Cognitive Model of Career Interests, Paul Anthony Gore
Feeling Alone While with Others, Carol Ann Leverich Gouty
Christ as a Worker in the Towneley Cycle, Barbara I. Gusick
The Development, Molecular Characterization and Application of a Model Stratum Corneum Lipid System, Rita M. Hatfield
Development of a Unique Photothermal Interferometer, Michael Henry
Relationships between the Expression of Genes Involved in the Regulation of Apoptosis and Cell Death Induced by Nitrogen Mustard in Human Colon Carcinoma Cell Lines, Greggory Bernard Herbert
More from the Archive of the Descendants of Eulogius, Todd M. Hickey and James G. Keenan
A Descriptive and Exploratory Case Study of the Evolution of Intercollegiate Athletics and Education at Loyola University Chicago: 1922-1994, Thomas G. Hitcho
African American Adolescents' Perception of Social Support and Self-Esteem, Vo Alexander Hoang
The Relationship between Friendship and Adjustment During Preadolescence and Adolescence: Developmental and Gender Differences, Hefter Tracey Hollander
The Leadership Role of the Principal in Integrating Computers in the Elementary School Instructional Program, Ann Smith Ganier Jackson
Regulation of Phospholipid Biosynthesis in the Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae by the Ume6 Gene, John Charles Jackson
The Impact of Age and Time of Day on Delirium in Elderly Postoperative Hip Surgery Patients, Marianne L. Jagmin
The Role of Intentions and Task Performance in Career Development, Terri E. Jennings
Pharmacologic Studies on Synthetic Analogues of Heparin with Selective Affinity to Endogenous Serine Protease Inhibitors, Walter P. Jeske
Density Dependent Limitations and Vertical Position of Diatoms in a Periphyton Mat, Ronald E. Johnson
The Relationship of Racial Identity and Gender Identity Attitudes Among College-aged African-American Women, Samoan C. Johnson
Choosing Life in the Midst of Death: Holocaust Metaphors in Pastoral Counseling, David Robert Kaplan
Lesbian and Bisexual Women: Attitudes, Behaviors, and Self-Esteem Related to Self-Image, Weight, and Eating, Allison M. Kase
Self-Efficacy and Athletic Performance: From Theory to Practice, Jeffrey A. Katula
George Sphrantzes: A Brief Review, James G. Keenan
The Dramatic Prologue of Plato's Symposium as Introduction to the Dialogue's Philosophy, James Allen Kellerman
Nietzsche's Critique of Kant's Moral Philosophy: A Study in Revaluation, Lee F. Kerckhove
Androgen Receptors in the Hippocampus: Localization, Autoregulation, and Modulation of Gene Expression in the Adult Male Rat, Janice E. Kerr
The Role of Protein Kinases in the Regulation of the Na+/H+ Antiporter in Xenopus Oocytes, Andre P. J. Kulisz
A Case Study of the Change Process in an Urban Public School as Teachers React to Mandated Change, Susan Kurland
Predicational Organization and Its Enhancement of Memory, Kristin M. S. Lang
Latino Ethnic Identity and Stress: A Study Using the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure and the Hispanic Stress Inventory, Carolyn S. Law
City of Chicago Housing Programs: An Analysis 1994 & 1995 Programs and Expenditures, Michael D. Leachman
Nursing Student and Faculty Perceptions of Clinical Post-Conference Learning Environments, Marijo Letizia
Effect of Stimulus Presentation Time on Visual Search Processes, Gavin S. Lew
Feminism and the Evolutionary Sciences: A Reexamination of Human Nature, Laurette T. Liesen
Nonsense Codon-Mediated Degradation of Immunoglobulin Heavy-Chain [Mu] Messenger RNA in B Cells, Tianhong Li
Electrochemical Cleavage of Phenylsulfones, Joseph E. Lohr
Contributions to Columbia Papyri X, Jacqueline Long
San Antonio V. Rodriguez & the Next Twenty Years of State Court Cases, Mary J. Long
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1996, Loyola University Rome Center
The Picture of Health: A Case Study of the Use of Alternative Therapies and the Creation of Community by People Living with HIV and AIDS, Lorraine Anne Lynn
Susa Young Gates 1856-1933: Educator, Suffragist, Mormon, Patricia A. Lynott
Allison Davis and the Historical Development of His Sociological Concepts: "Cultural Deprivation" and Compensatory Education", 1925-1983, Andrea Marie Macaluso
Illinois School Boards That Hired Female Superintendents in 1994: Preferences, Characteristics, Practices, and Influences, Sandra L. Martin
Paternal Alcohol Abuse and Psychological Functioning of Adolescents: An Investigation of Moderating Variables, Blase E. Masini
Analysis of Affirmative Action Programs in Public Sector Employment, Ida G. McCarty
A Meta-Analysis of the Treatment of Internalizing Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Kathryn Ann McGlinchey
Heterosexuals' Attitudes Toward Gay Fathers and Their Children, Andrew McLeod
Critical Attributes of Teachers Who Have Become Practitioners of Authentic Assessment, Bernadette Meisenheimer
A Discerning Heart: The Core of Psycho-Spiritual Healing, Dudley Mendonca
Impact of Sex-Role Identification on Partner Preference and Relationship Satisfaction, Carolyn A. Mildner
A Study of the Influence of Organizational Context on the Purpose, Structure, Operation and Impact of School Leadership Teams in Suburban Elementary Schools, Aurora Marie Morris-Chase
Inversion of the Hero Myth: A Psychology and Spirituality of Fatherhood in Masculine Development, M Allen Mothershed
Explanation and Ontological Reasoning, Dwayne Mulder
Equity Verses Gender Feminism: Trends in the American Feminist Reseacher, Jennifer A. Muryn
The Use of Literature as a Source of Occupational Modeling for Children, Tracy L. Nemecek
A Dialogue between Banyankole-Bakiga Peoples' Traditional Pre- and Marital Counseling Since 1870S and the Western Cognitive Behavior and Object Relations Therapies: A Reciprocal Challenge and Insight?, Cecilia Y. Nibyobyonka
Soteriology, Jon Nilson
The Allegorical Ireland Figure in the Irish National Theatre, 1899-1926, Svetlana Novakovic
Assessing Technical Economic Efficency in Selected Suburban Cook County Elementary School Districts, Bernard C. Nowakowski
Relationship Nature and Intensity: Their Association with Jealousy in Dating Relationships, Danielle Oakley-Minchk
Putting Type Annotations to Work, Martin Odersky and Konstantin Laufer
Personality and Peace: A Study of Person, Process, and Response in a Human Growth Group Procedure, Julie Oxenberg
Visual Cortical Plasticity Following Unilateral Sensorimotor Cortical Lesions in the Neonatal Rat, Eleftherios Stelios Papathanasiou
Impact of Superordinate/Administrator Evaluations upon Selected Michigan Public School, K-6 Principals' Performance as Perceived by Superintendents and Elementary Principals, Christopher J. Peal
Addressing Religious Issues in Counseling: The Perceptions of African American Church Members of Counselor Effectiveness, Rhonda Janice Perry
Substratum-Associated Microbiota, Christopher G. Peterson and Nancy Tuchman
Adolecents' Daily Experience of Parenting Styles and Alcohol Use, John Philbin
Narrative Pastoral Counseling: A Ministry for the Catholic Parish, Dennis P. Phillips
An Examination of the Relationship between Knowledge of Parenting and Attitudes of Parenting in Adolescent Mothers, Frances M. Preiss
Molecular Studies of Human Erythrocyte Spectrin: Head to-Head Interactions, Nasser Qtaishat
The Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Task Performance for Women in Science Related Careers, Saba Rasheed
Afferent and Efferent Connections of the Octavolateral Cerebellum in the Channel Catfish, Ictalurus Punctatus, Richard C. Rayborn
The Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectations in Relation to Interests in Science Careers, Deepika C. Reddy
Validation of a Brief Version of the Career Barriers Inventory, Kelley Pederson Reed
The Relationship between Parenting Styles and Children's Self-Esteem, Rebecca J. Reese
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Computer Based Instruction with Video Cassette Instruction for Cardio-Pulmonaary Resuscitation, Janine Ricketts-Byrne
Work Stress in the Forensic Psychiatric Facility: The Relationship between Coping Responses and Personal Need for Structure, Nilsa Rivera
Gender and Juvenile Crime: Implications for Deterrence, Laura Rizzardini
An Analysis of Reading, Writing, and Language Development in an Integrated Intermediate School Program, Rosa Antonietta Rizzato
An Analysis of the Decision Making Strategies of Selected School Administrators as Participants in Self-Funded Health Insurance, Samuel A. Rizzo
Examination of Individual Differences in Literacy Achievement, Ramie A. Robeson
The Literary Study of Non-Fiction: An Analysis of Selected Works by George Orwell, Richard Wright, Zora Neale Hurston, and Virginia Woolf, Kenneth S. Rogers
Chicago Public Schools March Off to War: Participation of the City Public Schools in the Second World War: 1941-1945, Joan L. Rog
A History of the Helen C. Peirce School Trust, 1915-1938, Janice Marienthal Rosales