Theses/Dissertations from 1930
Curriculum Construction in General Science, Cornelius F. Bek
Dentos 1930, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
A Psychological Approach to Public Speaking, Charles S. Costello
A Re-Allocation of the Words in the Chicago Spelling List, Margaret M. Feeney
The Optimal Grade Placement of Thirty-Two New Testament Stories, Mary Agnes Garvey
The Loyolan 1930, Loyola University Chicago
Status of Adult Education in the Public School System of Chicago, 1928-1930, June McCarthy
An Analysis of the Questions and Study Problems Found in Geography Text-Books For Grades Four to Seven, Katharine E. McCue
A Study of the Make-Up Management and Content of Catholic High School Newspapers, Mary Lucille Middleton
A Comparative Study of Inferior and Superior Pupils on the Junior High School Level, Mary James O'Shea
Relative Effectiveness of Question Vs. Outline Technic in Teaching Physics, Mary Sariel Redding
On the Sedimentation of Erythrocytes from Lymph, John Russell
The Development and Present Status of Vocational Guidance in Chicago, Catherine Agnes Ryan
The Influence of Saponin on the Intestinal Absorption of Calcium, Frank Charles Sternasty
Theses/Dissertations from 1929
The Relation of the Thymus Gland to Sexual Maturity, Thomas Francis Ahearn Jr.
Type and Technique of the Illustrative Story in Seneca's Moral Essays, Mary Vincentia Brown
Dentos 1929, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Orthodoxy of Milton's Theology Concerning the Trinity and Sin and Its Consequences, Rose Mary Dufault
A Proposed Personnel Program for the Small College, Cecille Hyson Egan
An Attempt to Appraise the Standing of Biology as a Subject of Instruction in High School, Mary Fidelis
Modern Languages in the Grades as a Means of Provision For Superior Children, Mary Alexander Gannon
The Loyolan 1929, Loyola University Chicago
Studies on the Intestinal Absorption of Histamine. I. The Effects of Various Chemical Agents Applied to the Mucosa, Lambert Francis Mammoser
The Philosophy of Eugene O'Neill, Judith Reynick
Observations on the Occurance and Anlage of the Abberant Thyroid in Dog, Robert Russell Tracht
Theses/Dissertations from 1928
English Scholars of the Renaissance, Laura Backes
Origin of the German Novel, Dulcissima Bette
Fear as An Inhibitory Factor in a Motor Function, Dorothy Elizabeth Bresnahan
Dentos 1928, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Educational Value of Historic Character Study, Genevieve Clarke
The Educational Values of the Liturgy, Mabel Dorsey
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume XI Number 1 to Volume XI Number 4 (1928-1928), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
An Experiment on the Effect of X-Ray Irradiation on the Developing Fetus, George Jacob Leibold Jr.
The Loyolan 1928, Loyola University Chicago
Historical Aspect of the Relations Between Church and State, James P. Montague
Vittorino Da Feltre: The Model Educator, Aimee Rossi
Books from 1927
Dentos 1927, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume Volume X Number 1 to Volume X Number 4 (1927-1928), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
The Loyolan 1927, Loyola University Chicago
Divorce and its Relation to Cook County Relief Cases, Mary McIntyre
Vocational Guidance, Mary Leonore Walsh
Books from 1926
Dentos 1926, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume IX Number 1 to Volume IX Number 4 (1926-1927), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
The Loyolan 1926, Loyola University Chicago
English Religious Poetry of the Nineteenth Century as Influenced by the Catholic Spirit, Mary Mida
Books from 1925
Dentos 1925, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume VIII Number 1 to Volume VIII Number 4 (1925-1926), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
The Loyolan 1925, Loyola University Chicago
Books from 1924
Dentos 1924, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume VII Number 1 to Volume VII Number 4 (1924-1925), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
The Loyolan 1924, Loyola University Chicago
Books from 1923
Dentos 1923, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume VI Number 1-2 to Volume VI Number 3-4 (1923-1924), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Books from 1922
Dentos 1922, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Books from 1921
Dentos 1921, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 18 (1920-1921), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1920
Illinois Catholic Historical Review,Volume III Number 2 (1920), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume II Number 3 (1920), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume II Number 4 (1920), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 17 (1919-1920), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1918
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume I Number 1 (1918), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Illinois Catholic Historical Review, Volume I Number 2 (1918), Illinois Catholic Historical Society
Books from 1917
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 16 (1916-1917), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1916
Dentos 1916, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 15 (1915-1916), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1915
Dentos 1915, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 14 (1914-1915), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1914
Dentos 1914, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Loyola University Magazine, Vol. 13 (1913-1914), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1913
Dentos 1913, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 12 (1912-1913), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1912
Dentos 1912, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 11 (1911-1912), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1911
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 10 (1910-1911), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1910
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 9 (1909-1910), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1909
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 8 (1908-1909), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1908
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 7 (1907-1908), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1907
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 6 (1906-1907), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1906
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 5 (1905-1906), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1905
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 4 (1904-1905), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1904
St. Ignatius Collegian, Vol. 2-3 (1903-1904), Students of St. Ignatius College
Books from 1902
St. Ignatius Collegian (1901-1902), Students of St. Ignatius College