Theses/Dissertations from 1935
La Méthode Directe Dans L'Enseignement Du Français, Loretta C. Duffy
Evidences of Stoic Philosophy in Horace's Satires and Epistles, William F. Fay
Vie De La Reverende Mere De Montalembert, Mary Catherine Fitzpatrick
The Origin of Definitive Germ Cells in the Domestic Fowl, John H. Garwacki
Recent Cost Schedule Variations in the Boot and Shoe Industry, Bernard William Gibbons
The Prediction of Scholastic Success By Intelligence Tests and Scholastic Grades, John Stafford Hazard
The History and the Critical Reception of the Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J., Mary Julienne
Reactions of D-Glucuronic Acid and Its Derivatives, Edward John Kubicz
The Anagnorisis and Its Use in Euripides, William P. Le Saint
The Loyolan 1935, Loyola University Chicago
Early Carcinomatous changes in the Cervix Uteri, L. A. Macaluso
The History of the Society of the Sacred Heart in Switzerland from the Foundation in 1830 to the Expulsion in 1847, Louise Mayer
The Effects of Bilingualism on Achievement in Foreign Languages, Kathleen A. McGoldrick
The Principles of Progressive Education, Anna Elizabeth McNichols
Aristotelian Plot and Character in the Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles and His Imitators, Thomas F. Murray
A Study of the Caesar Cult with Reference to the Political Aims of Augustus, Victor B. Nieporte
The Extent of Transfer of Learning in Simple Addition and Substraction, Cecilia Helen O'Brien
Representationism Versus Perceptionism, Peter Radziewicz
The Relation of the Federal and State Governments to the Problem of Internal Improvements, 1810 to 1840, Dolores N. Savage
La Famile Dans Les Oeuvres De Henry Bordeaux Et De Rene Bazin, Marie Elizabeth Schiefer
Anthony Trollope, the Socio-Clerical Historian of the Anglican Clergy in England's Eighteen-Fifties and 'Sixties, George N. Schuster
Some Studies on the Chemistry and the Physiology of the Parathyroid Hormone, George Henry Smullen
The Value of Supervised Study in First Year Algebra, Mary Angeline Steele
Experimental Study of the Effects of Various Extracts of Albino Rat Sarcoma upon Their Normal Subcutaneous Tissue, Edward W. Szczurek
The Development of Catholic Institutions in Chicago During the Incumbencies of Bishop Quarter and Bishop Van De Velde, 1844-1853, Marie Catherine Tangney
The Religious Convictions of John Dryden, Hugh P. Tarrant
An Application of a Theorem of Borel on Natural Boundaries to the Theta-Zero Functions and Analogous Functions, Louis William Tordella
Sir Thomas Browne: Backgrounds of Religio Medici and Christian Morals, William David Wilkins
Theses/Dissertations from 1934
Effect of Calcium Chloride, Acid, and Alkali on Irritability and Conductivity of Nerves Locally Cooled, Dominic Baima
Relation of Mark Hanna to the Republican Party, A. Patricia Bortolotti
Public-School Music in Grades 1 - 6: Its Content, Objectives, and Methods, Elizabeth Geraldine Bradshaw
St. Augustine as a Historian of Philosophy, James Patrick Brogan
How St. Thomas Goes Beyond Aristotle in His Treatment of the Soul, John F. Callahan
A Study of Two Methods of Teaching Problem-Solving in Arithmetic, Nora Mary Carroll
Dentos 1934, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Emily Dickinson: The Growth of Her Reputation in Periodical Criticism, 1890-1934, Ruth Corrigan
Reactions of Synthesis of Methyl D-Glucuronide, Edward J. Czalgoszerski
Variations of the Middle Meningeal Artery in the Middle Cranial Fossa, Clemens F. Derezinski
The Huguenot Settlements in Florida, 1562-1565, Thomas Edward Downey
A Comparative Study of Religious Toleration in Rhode Island and Maryland During the Seventeenth Century, Leonette Engel
Sidney's Classicism and Its Relation to the Countess of Pembroke's Circle, Cyrena Margaret Everist
Composition and Letter-Form Errors in Fifth-Grade Children's Life Letters, Patricia S. Geoghegan
History of the Foundations of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary in North America, William Gormaly
The History of the Foundations of the Society of the Sacred Heart in South America, Julia Heffern
The Inhibitory Effect of the Lipoid Fraction of Tissue Extracts upon Cellular Proliferation, James Henry
Changes of Electrical Resistance in Nerve During Block by Cold, Irvin Franklin Hummon Jr.
Certain Transformations of the Apollonion Circles on the Triangle 1,W, and W2, Marion J. Kaminski
The Loyolan 1934, Loyola University Chicago
A Comparison of the Present Conventional Curriculum in English Grammar with a Curriculum Based Upon Pupil Deficiencies in Grades Six, Seven, and Eight in Certain Parochial Schools, Mary Valeria Meintel
Fire Insurance on Public School Property in Cook County, Illinois, William Norman Olefsky
An Analysis of the Content of Catholic High School Newspapers in Illinois, M. Gabrielle Pierik
George Crabbe as Social Critic of His Times, M. Aloysia Ripperger
Causes of Student Failure in Accredited Schools of Nursing in Michigan, Mary Leonard Sage
Social Conditions in the Republic of Texas, 1836-1845, Joseph William Schmitz
The Influence of Passion Plays on the Modern Revival of the Amateur Theatre, Terence J. Seery
Studies on Parathyroid Hormone, Cristobal Vicens
The Relation Between Entrance Age and Subsequent Progress in the Primary Grades, M. Imelda Wall
The Effects of Filling Materials and Caries on the Dental Pulp and Adjacent Hard Tissues, Warren Willman
Theses/Dissertations from 1933
A Study of the Catholic Institutions For Dependent Children in the Archdiocese of Chicago Emphasizing Vocational Education, Mary Agatha Allison
Studies on the Chemical Nature of Parathyroid Hormone, William Patrick Bell
A Study of Current Practice in Vocational Guidance For Girls in Catholic Four-Year High Schools, Ignata Biehn
The Educational Achievements in Europe of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, Mary Constantia Bott
Directly Supervised Versus Indirectly Supervised Typewriting, Mary Brendan
The History of Adult School Legislation in the United States, Anne Gertrude Caine
Savings Bank Investments, 1922 - 1931, Francis Joseph Calkins
Humor and Its Appeal to the Child, Leona Marie Carroll
Dentos 1933, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Educational Work of the Sisters of Providence in Indiana, Philomene Cullity
Teacher-Checking Versus Pupil-Checking For Errors in Written Composition of Junior High School Pupils, Agnes H. Dister
Grade Levels and Relative Importance of Etiquette Topics For Presentation in Junior and Senior High Schools, Isabelle A. Donahue
The Illinois Central Railroad and the Development of Illinois, Martin J. Emill
The Poetic Doctrines of Wordsworth and Arnold: A Comparative Study of Critical Theories in the Nineteenth Century, Honesto F. Farol
The Relation Between Fertility of Imagination and the Ability to Read as Manifested By 2-B Pupils, Josephine Agnes Flaherty
Financial Ratios in a Period of Falling Prices, Sylvester M. Frizol
A History of the First Fifty Years of the Sisters of Providence in the United States, Lawrence Gonner
Financial Education of the Public - In Regard to Investments, John James Hackett
A Study of the Improvement in Computation of Six Children During a Six-Weeks' Term of Individual Remedial Work, Ethel Keevan Harrington
The Effect of Insulin, Dextrose, and Cyanide on the Circular and the Longitudinal Muscles of the Rabbit's Intestine, Gustav A. Hemwall
A Survey of the Activities of the Parent-Teacher Association in Illinois, Nettie Jacobs
America as Seen Through German Eyes, or American Social History from the German Viewpoint, 1865-1900, M. Ann Joachim
A Study of the Problem of Religious Vocations in Catholic Secondary Schools For Girls, Mary J. Calasanctia Keinz
Balance Sheet Asset Valuation Principles in the Period 1930-1932, Roger Frederick Knittel
The Morphology of the Uterus and Its Contents, in Resorption of the Fetus in the Albino Rat, Virgil Alfred LaFleur LaFleur
A Survey of Courses Offered in Home Economics in Representative Junior High Schools in the United States, Lenora Ida Larson
The Loyolan 1933, Loyola University Chicago
The Post High-School Careers of Catholic High School Girls of the Archdiocese of Chicago For the Year 1927-1928, Mary Trinitas Magrady
A Comparative Study of Two Methods of Problem-Solving in Arithmetic, Mary Cecelia Mangan
The Mathematical Processes Found in Representative High School Texts in Chemistry, Arthur Peter O'Mara
The History of the Catholic School Library in the United States, Eva Mary Perry
The Development of Technical Education in the Chicago High Schools, James E. Shine
The Study of Biography as a Basis For Character Training, Frances Simpson
The Spinal Origin of Fibres Causing Vasodilation in the Cat's Submaxillary Gland, Herbert M. Stanton
Changing Objectives in the Teaching of Geography 1870-1930, Francesca Lichter Urbancek
Contributions of the Eighteenth Century German Immigrants to the Social Well Being of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Mary Vivian Wilm
Theses/Dissertations from 1932
Conceptions of Discipline in the Public Schools of the United States For the Past Sixty Years, Francis Thomas Boylan
The Influence of Chemicals on the Growth of Bacteria, Alice J. Burke
Dentos 1932, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Initiative and Cooperation in the Convalescent Hospitalized Child, Sibyl Catherine Davis
Further Studies of the Effect of Saponin on Intestinal Absorption, Nello Michael Felicelli
A Study of the Causes and the Treatment of Failure in Ninth-Grade Science, Arthur J. Fitzgerald