Theses/Dissertations from 1937
The Importance of Kentucky in the Civil War, Mary Raphael Hayden
Reflex Respiratory Effects from Intermittent Stimulation of Vagus and Superior Laryngeal Nerves, Charles Hillenbrand
The Problem of Originality in Vergil, Arthur Vincent Kanuch
Presidential Reconstruction in North Carolina as Viewed by a Southern Unionist Whig, Howard Joseph Kerner
The Origin of Ideas According to St. Augustine and St. Thomas, Kato Kiszely
Singular Solutions of Differential Equations, John E. Klest
Experimental Study of the Effects of Thyrodectomy on the Growth of a Spindle-Cell Sarcoma in the Albino Rat, Francis G. Kravec
Reduction Products of D-Glucoheptulose, Stanley John Kuman
The Missionary Labors and Travels of Father Claude Jean Allouez, S.J., Maurice Link
The Loyolan 1937, Loyola University Chicago
Operational Characteristics of the Differential Dynamometer: Conductometric Titrations, Raymond Joseph Melchione
The Presidential Campaign of 1932, Loretto C. Mersh
The Anatomy of the Inguinal Region in Man, Frank J. Nowak
The Idylls of the King and the Arthurian Legend, Daniel Patrick O'Donohue
The One and the Many, W. E. Powers
An Orientation Course to Aid in the Communication of a Catholic Mind and Culture to High School Students, Joseph Aloysius Prucnal
Oil Scandals during the Harding Administration, Mary M. Ridge
A Comparison of the Country Squires in Addison and in Fielding, John G. Sheridan
Realism in English Renaissance Fiction, Helen Stokes
The Epistemological Doctrines of Jaime Luciano Balmes as Compared with the Epistemological Doctrines of St. Thomas of Aquin, Edward J. Sutfin
The Effect of the Destruction of the Germinal Crescent on the Origin of the Germ Cells and the Development of the Gonads in the Domestic Fowl, Arthur John Svejda
Theses/Dissertations from 1936
Alice Meynell as Critic of Literature and Art, Mary Alisa Ahern
The Development of a Group Preschool Screening Test of Early School Entrance Potentiality, August Edward Ahr
Aspects of Nationalism in the United States, 1815-1830, Drusilla Agnes Breen
The Relation of the Schleswig-Holstein Question to the Unification of Germany: 1865-1866, Katherine Marie Brennan
Solon, the Lawgiver, in the Light of Recent Discoveries and Criticism, Charles A. Castellano
A Study of Some of the Effects of the Punic Wars Upon the Roman Familia, George S. Chehayl
Dentos 1936, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
A Comparative Study of Technical Pupils in the Elimination of Errors in English Composition, Isabel Clark
A Prolegomena to the Economics of St. Thomas Aquinas, William H. Conley
A Study of Certain Physical and Chemical Effects of Aromatic Halides, Unsaturated Carboxylic Acids, Saturated Ketohydroxy Acids, and Saturated Ketone Alcohols Upon Hydrocarbon Oils, Clyde Aubrey Crowley
La Paroisse Notre Dame De Chicago, Catherine Dempsey
The Sun in the Poetry of Francis Thompson, Walter Buchanan Dimond
Woodrow Wilson's Relations with the Democratic Party 1919 - 1924, Marybelle Donovan
Reverend Pierre Gibault and the Old Northwest, Leo G. Drexler
A Study of the Changes in Serum Ethyl Butyrase in Experimental Malignancy of the Albino Rat, Emil Albert Fullgrabe
Criticism of Family Life in Nineteenth Century English Fiction from Jane Austen to Samuel Butler, Theresa Mercedes Herbert
The School Newspaper in the Elementary School, Anna Dagmar Jensen
The Origin and Progress of the Movement Toward Political Independence in Ireland Since 1932, Rose S. Kelly
Riddle-Solving Ability and Intelligence, Jack Harry Landes
The Loyolan 1936, Loyola University Chicago
Christ in the Poetry of Robert Browning, Juliana Ludick
Rene Bazin, Interprete De La Doctrine Sociale Catholique, Evelyn Cecilia McIntyre
The Religious Policy of Charles V in the Germanies, Maurice F. Meyers
The Background of Magna Carta, Herman Joseph Muller
A Study of the Characteristics of Primary Reading Materials, Millard Robert Schneller
Carlyle and Newman: Their Intellectual and Spiritual Crises, William T. Supple
The Attitude of John Quincy Adams Toward the Presidency, Helen Tichenor
Lactantius as a Critic of Greek Philosophy, Philip H. Vitale
The Educational and Social Work of the Right Reverend Joseph Rosati, C.M.: First Bishop of St. Louis, Mary Carmelita Zieroff
Theses/Dissertations from 1935
Problems of Conscience in Some of the Plays of Shakespeare, Mary Paul Baldwin
The Appetitus Naturalis in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, Doris Barnett
L'Enseignement de L'Histoire Dans les Ecoles de la Societe de Sacre-Couer de Jesus, Mariella Bremner
The Relation of Thaddeus Stevens to Reconstruction, 1865-1868, Mildred Bryant-Jones
The Growth of Musical Taste in Children in Grades 1 to 8, Martha A. E. Byrne
The Sisters of St. Joseph and Their Foundations in America: A Brief Account of the Origin and Ideals of the Congregation and of Its Work in the Middle West: 1650-1930, M. Aquinas Caffrey
Christian Humanism, Aloysius Robert Amadeo Caponigri
Dentos 1935, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Embryology and Fiber Tract Connections of the Corpus Striatum in the Albino Rat, James K. L. Choy
Is the Scientific Behaviorist Scientific?, Methodius F. Cikrit
The Influence of Jefferson's Domestic Policy on His Foreign Policy, Marion Dorsey
La Méthode Directe Dans L'Enseignement Du Français, Loretta C. Duffy
Evidences of Stoic Philosophy in Horace's Satires and Epistles, William F. Fay
Vie De La Reverende Mere De Montalembert, Mary Catherine Fitzpatrick
The Origin of Definitive Germ Cells in the Domestic Fowl, John H. Garwacki
Recent Cost Schedule Variations in the Boot and Shoe Industry, Bernard William Gibbons
The Prediction of Scholastic Success By Intelligence Tests and Scholastic Grades, John Stafford Hazard
The History and the Critical Reception of the Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J., Mary Julienne
Reactions of D-Glucuronic Acid and Its Derivatives, Edward John Kubicz
The Anagnorisis and Its Use in Euripides, William P. Le Saint
The Loyolan 1935, Loyola University Chicago
Early Carcinomatous changes in the Cervix Uteri, L. A. Macaluso
The History of the Society of the Sacred Heart in Switzerland from the Foundation in 1830 to the Expulsion in 1847, Louise Mayer
The Effects of Bilingualism on Achievement in Foreign Languages, Kathleen A. McGoldrick
The Principles of Progressive Education, Anna Elizabeth McNichols
Aristotelian Plot and Character in the Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles and His Imitators, Thomas F. Murray
A Study of the Caesar Cult with Reference to the Political Aims of Augustus, Victor B. Nieporte
The Extent of Transfer of Learning in Simple Addition and Substraction, Cecilia Helen O'Brien
Representationism Versus Perceptionism, Peter Radziewicz
The Relation of the Federal and State Governments to the Problem of Internal Improvements, 1810 to 1840, Dolores N. Savage
La Famile Dans Les Oeuvres De Henry Bordeaux Et De Rene Bazin, Marie Elizabeth Schiefer
Anthony Trollope, the Socio-Clerical Historian of the Anglican Clergy in England's Eighteen-Fifties and 'Sixties, George N. Schuster
Some Studies on the Chemistry and the Physiology of the Parathyroid Hormone, George Henry Smullen
The Value of Supervised Study in First Year Algebra, Mary Angeline Steele
Experimental Study of the Effects of Various Extracts of Albino Rat Sarcoma upon Their Normal Subcutaneous Tissue, Edward W. Szczurek
The Development of Catholic Institutions in Chicago During the Incumbencies of Bishop Quarter and Bishop Van De Velde, 1844-1853, Marie Catherine Tangney
The Religious Convictions of John Dryden, Hugh P. Tarrant
An Application of a Theorem of Borel on Natural Boundaries to the Theta-Zero Functions and Analogous Functions, Louis William Tordella
Sir Thomas Browne: Backgrounds of Religio Medici and Christian Morals, William David Wilkins
Theses/Dissertations from 1934
Effect of Calcium Chloride, Acid, and Alkali on Irritability and Conductivity of Nerves Locally Cooled, Dominic Baima
Relation of Mark Hanna to the Republican Party, A. Patricia Bortolotti
Public-School Music in Grades 1 - 6: Its Content, Objectives, and Methods, Elizabeth Geraldine Bradshaw
St. Augustine as a Historian of Philosophy, James Patrick Brogan
How St. Thomas Goes Beyond Aristotle in His Treatment of the Soul, John F. Callahan
A Study of Two Methods of Teaching Problem-Solving in Arithmetic, Nora Mary Carroll
Dentos 1934, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Emily Dickinson: The Growth of Her Reputation in Periodical Criticism, 1890-1934, Ruth Corrigan
Reactions of Synthesis of Methyl D-Glucuronide, Edward J. Czalgoszerski