Theses/Dissertations from 1934
The Relation Between Entrance Age and Subsequent Progress in the Primary Grades, M. Imelda Wall
The Effects of Filling Materials and Caries on the Dental Pulp and Adjacent Hard Tissues, Warren Willman
Theses/Dissertations from 1933
A Study of the Catholic Institutions For Dependent Children in the Archdiocese of Chicago Emphasizing Vocational Education, Mary Agatha Allison
Studies on the Chemical Nature of Parathyroid Hormone, William Patrick Bell
A Study of Current Practice in Vocational Guidance For Girls in Catholic Four-Year High Schools, Ignata Biehn
The Educational Achievements in Europe of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, Mary Constantia Bott
Directly Supervised Versus Indirectly Supervised Typewriting, Mary Brendan
The History of Adult School Legislation in the United States, Anne Gertrude Caine
Savings Bank Investments, 1922 - 1931, Francis Joseph Calkins
Humor and Its Appeal to the Child, Leona Marie Carroll
Dentos 1933, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Educational Work of the Sisters of Providence in Indiana, Philomene Cullity
Teacher-Checking Versus Pupil-Checking For Errors in Written Composition of Junior High School Pupils, Agnes H. Dister
Grade Levels and Relative Importance of Etiquette Topics For Presentation in Junior and Senior High Schools, Isabelle A. Donahue
The Illinois Central Railroad and the Development of Illinois, Martin J. Emill
The Poetic Doctrines of Wordsworth and Arnold: A Comparative Study of Critical Theories in the Nineteenth Century, Honesto F. Farol
The Relation Between Fertility of Imagination and the Ability to Read as Manifested By 2-B Pupils, Josephine Agnes Flaherty
Financial Ratios in a Period of Falling Prices, Sylvester M. Frizol
A History of the First Fifty Years of the Sisters of Providence in the United States, Lawrence Gonner
Financial Education of the Public - In Regard to Investments, John James Hackett
A Study of the Improvement in Computation of Six Children During a Six-Weeks' Term of Individual Remedial Work, Ethel Keevan Harrington
The Effect of Insulin, Dextrose, and Cyanide on the Circular and the Longitudinal Muscles of the Rabbit's Intestine, Gustav A. Hemwall
A Survey of the Activities of the Parent-Teacher Association in Illinois, Nettie Jacobs
America as Seen Through German Eyes, or American Social History from the German Viewpoint, 1865-1900, M. Ann Joachim
A Study of the Problem of Religious Vocations in Catholic Secondary Schools For Girls, Mary J. Calasanctia Keinz
Balance Sheet Asset Valuation Principles in the Period 1930-1932, Roger Frederick Knittel
The Morphology of the Uterus and Its Contents, in Resorption of the Fetus in the Albino Rat, Virgil Alfred LaFleur LaFleur
A Survey of Courses Offered in Home Economics in Representative Junior High Schools in the United States, Lenora Ida Larson
The Loyolan 1933, Loyola University Chicago
The Post High-School Careers of Catholic High School Girls of the Archdiocese of Chicago For the Year 1927-1928, Mary Trinitas Magrady
A Comparative Study of Two Methods of Problem-Solving in Arithmetic, Mary Cecelia Mangan
The Mathematical Processes Found in Representative High School Texts in Chemistry, Arthur Peter O'Mara
The History of the Catholic School Library in the United States, Eva Mary Perry
The Development of Technical Education in the Chicago High Schools, James E. Shine
The Study of Biography as a Basis For Character Training, Frances Simpson
The Spinal Origin of Fibres Causing Vasodilation in the Cat's Submaxillary Gland, Herbert M. Stanton
Changing Objectives in the Teaching of Geography 1870-1930, Francesca Lichter Urbancek
Contributions of the Eighteenth Century German Immigrants to the Social Well Being of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Mary Vivian Wilm
Theses/Dissertations from 1932
Conceptions of Discipline in the Public Schools of the United States For the Past Sixty Years, Francis Thomas Boylan
The Influence of Chemicals on the Growth of Bacteria, Alice J. Burke
Dentos 1932, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Initiative and Cooperation in the Convalescent Hospitalized Child, Sibyl Catherine Davis
Further Studies of the Effect of Saponin on Intestinal Absorption, Nello Michael Felicelli
A Study of the Causes and the Treatment of Failure in Ninth-Grade Science, Arthur J. Fitzgerald
A Study in the Psychology of Conversion, Dorothy Catherine Kleespies
The Loyolan 1932, Loyola University Chicago
Early Childhood Fears, Lenore Bernadette McCarthy
A Study in Eidetic Imagery, Elizabeth Lourdes McGrath
A Study of Social Changes in Porto Rico Since 1898, Gertrude Rose McMahon
Some Current Educational Procedures as Applied to the Problems of Dental Education, Robert Wilkinson McNulty
The Anatomy of the Root Canals of the Incisors, Cuspids, and Bicuspids of the Permanent Dentition, Augustus Henry Mueller
Suppression of the Chicago Times: June 1863, Norma Ann Paul
The Ethical Content of High-School Latin, Aloysine Raskop
The Beginning and Growth of the Chicago Junior High School, Lucille Inez Redmond
The Attitude of Children Toward Self-Control, Marie Bernadette Rochford
The Influence of Certain Study Habits on Students Success in Some College Subjects, Leslie J. Roch
The Attitude of the Press Toward Andrew Johnson, Ralph W. Tolson
The Courtier in Shakespeare's Plays: A Study of the Renaissance Ideals of Courtly Conduct and Discipline in the Plays, Margaret Mary Toole
The Effect of Drugs on the Longitudinal and Circular Muscle of the Rabbit's Intestine: A New Method of Study, Howard Vincent Valentine
Theses/Dissertations from 1931
Studies on the Intestinal Absorption of Histamine. , Raphael William Albi
Stuttering; Its Cause and Age of Incidence, Sarah Honan Blake
A Critical Analysis of the Study Aids as Found in Representative High School Texts in European History, Mary Hortense Burke
The Posterior Median Aperture of the Fourth Ventricle, Ethel Althea Chapman
Dentos 1931, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Studies of the Intestinal Absorption of Tyramine, Charles Lewis Coyle
A Survey of Modern Trends in Character Education in Public Elementary Schools as Evidenced by the Analysis of Courses of Study of Type Cities and States, Ruth Wheeler Cullen
Personality Traits of Successful Teachers, Angela Margaret Cylkowski
The Influence of Seating Positions on Classwork in a Third Grade, Agnes R. Fitzgerald
A Study of Truancy in the Chicago Schools: An Abstract of a Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Loyola University, 1931, Richard Jeffrey French
Comparative Study of the State Board Failures in Materia Medica of Students in the Schools of Nursing of the United States, Helen Jarrell
Directed Supervised Study Versus Home Study in Sixth Grade History, Lilian Mattocks Johnson
A Study of the Methods of Teaching American History in the Catholic Girls' High Schools in Chicago, Agnes Marie Lennon
A Study of the Effect of High-School Science on Achievement in the College Sciences, Frank J. Lodeski
The Loyolan 1931, Loyola University Chicago
Student Councils as an Agency for Character Education in Secondary Schools, Mary Wendelin Shean
The Preparation and Purification of a Plasma Calcium Raising Principle from Bovine Parathyroid Glands, James J. Smullen
Studies on the Relation Between Inorganic Ions and Drugs Acting on the Excised Intestine, William Blasé Spiteri
The Educational Philosophy of John Ruskin, Marie Agnes Tobin
Evidences of the Social Case Work Processes in the American Novel 1900-1931, Helan Maree Toole
Children's Concepts of Truthfulness, Marcella Ann Twomey
The Spheno-Palatine Ganglion of the Albino Rat, Stephen Joseph Wojcik
Theses/Dissertations from 1930
Curriculum Construction in General Science, Cornelius F. Bek
Dentos 1930, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
A Psychological Approach to Public Speaking, Charles S. Costello
A Re-Allocation of the Words in the Chicago Spelling List, Margaret M. Feeney
The Optimal Grade Placement of Thirty-Two New Testament Stories, Mary Agnes Garvey
The Loyolan 1930, Loyola University Chicago
Status of Adult Education in the Public School System of Chicago, 1928-1930, June McCarthy
An Analysis of the Questions and Study Problems Found in Geography Text-Books For Grades Four to Seven, Katharine E. McCue
A Study of the Make-Up Management and Content of Catholic High School Newspapers, Mary Lucille Middleton
A Comparative Study of Inferior and Superior Pupils on the Junior High School Level, Mary James O'Shea
Relative Effectiveness of Question Vs. Outline Technic in Teaching Physics, Mary Sariel Redding
On the Sedimentation of Erythrocytes from Lymph, John Russell
The Development and Present Status of Vocational Guidance in Chicago, Catherine Agnes Ryan
The Influence of Saponin on the Intestinal Absorption of Calcium, Frank Charles Sternasty
Theses/Dissertations from 1929
The Relation of the Thymus Gland to Sexual Maturity, Thomas Francis Ahearn Jr.
Type and Technique of the Illustrative Story in Seneca's Moral Essays, Mary Vincentia Brown
Dentos 1929, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Orthodoxy of Milton's Theology Concerning the Trinity and Sin and Its Consequences, Rose Mary Dufault
A Proposed Personnel Program for the Small College, Cecille Hyson Egan