This collection contains research on Teaching, Learning, and Leading with Schools and Communities (TLLSC) by faculty at the Loyola University Chicago School of Education.


Submissions from 2015


Teaching, Learning, and Leading: Preparing Teachers as Educational Policy Actors, Amy J. Heineke, Ann Marie Ryan, and Charles Tocci


Outcomes of Community-Based Infant/ Toddler Teacher Preparation: Tiered Supports for Pre-service early Childhood Education Teachers in Early Head Start, Adam S. Kennedy and Anna Lees

Submissions from 2014


Re-envisioning the Role of Universities in Early Childhood Teacher Education: Community Partnerships for 21st-Century Learning, Amy J. Heineke and Adam S. Kennedy


Infant/Toddler Professional Preparation and Development Using Blended Practices and Tiered Supports, Adam S. Kennedy and Anna T. Lees


Teacher Candidates and Latina/o English Learners at Fenton Elementary School: The Role of Early Clinical Experiences in Urban Teacher Education, Ambareen Nasir and Amy J. Heineke


Teaching, Learning, and Leading with Schools and Communities: One Urban University Re-Envisions Teacher Preparation for the Next Generation, Ann Marie Ryan, David C. Ensminger, Amy J. Heineke, Adam S. Kennedy, David P. Prasse, and Lara K. Smetana

Submissions from 2013


Preparing Early Childhood Professionals for the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms and Communities of Illinois, Amy J. Heineke, Adam S. Kennedy, and Anna Lees


Teach For America and English Language Learners: Shortcomings of the Organization’s Training Model, Megan Hopkins and Amy J. Heineke


Teaching, Learning and Leading with Schools and Communities: Preparing Sophisticated, Reflective, and Resilient Elementary STEM Educators, Lara K. Smetana, Elizabeth R. Coleman, Ann Marie Ryan, and Charles Tocci