
Environmental Science

Anticipated Graduation Year


Access Type

Open Access


COVID-19 led to major disruptions in the Chicagoland food supply chain, creating immediate concerns around increased hunger and job insecurity. The Chicago Food Policy Action Council (CFPAC) quickly coordinated a Rapid Response Effort to attain local producers, small businesses, and food system workers access to resources in the name of advancing Chicagoland food justice. These resources include emergency food assistance, funding, PPE distribution, guidelines, networking opportunities, etc. We interviewed five CFPAC staff members and crafted narratives documenting the Rapid Response Effort’s evolution, benefits and impacts, challenges, and their hopes for long-term impacts.

Community Partners

Chicago Food Policy Action Council

Faculty Mentors & Instructors

Dr. Tania Schusler

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



Equity-Centered Research on Chicago Food Policy Action Council’s COVID-19 Rapid Response Effort

COVID-19 led to major disruptions in the Chicagoland food supply chain, creating immediate concerns around increased hunger and job insecurity. The Chicago Food Policy Action Council (CFPAC) quickly coordinated a Rapid Response Effort to attain local producers, small businesses, and food system workers access to resources in the name of advancing Chicagoland food justice. These resources include emergency food assistance, funding, PPE distribution, guidelines, networking opportunities, etc. We interviewed five CFPAC staff members and crafted narratives documenting the Rapid Response Effort’s evolution, benefits and impacts, challenges, and their hopes for long-term impacts.