Squad Peanut - Social, Digital & Media


Business Administration

Anticipated Graduation Year


Access Type

Open Access


Through the combination of both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, Peanut Squads aims to discover what drives consumer purchase behavior on the Internet and the factors that most influence their decisions as online users and customers. In order to give a complete answer to this question, we have contemplated different research objectives that encompass online markets and platforms, consumer demographics, and emerging technologies. Given the shift in how companies are marketing their products and targeting their potential customers thanks to the new technological advancements that are being applied to the e-commerce segment, we believe this question is worth answering. A great challenge that we will face is the difficulty to draw generally applicable conclusions due to how massively broad the Internet as a whole is, all the different capabilities it contains, and the different purposes it serves. However, by using these market research and design methods, we believe companies will be able to learn how to optimize their online presence while offering customers all the features they value in order to enhance their customer experience in the online world.

Faculty Mentors & Instructors

Stacy Neier Beran

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



Squad Peanut - Social, Digital & Media

Through the combination of both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, Peanut Squads aims to discover what drives consumer purchase behavior on the Internet and the factors that most influence their decisions as online users and customers. In order to give a complete answer to this question, we have contemplated different research objectives that encompass online markets and platforms, consumer demographics, and emerging technologies. Given the shift in how companies are marketing their products and targeting their potential customers thanks to the new technological advancements that are being applied to the e-commerce segment, we believe this question is worth answering. A great challenge that we will face is the difficulty to draw generally applicable conclusions due to how massively broad the Internet as a whole is, all the different capabilities it contains, and the different purposes it serves. However, by using these market research and design methods, we believe companies will be able to learn how to optimize their online presence while offering customers all the features they value in order to enhance their customer experience in the online world.