Squad Dino: Travel & Hospitality Market Research
Business Administration
Anticipated Graduation Year
Access Type
Open Access
As part of the classwork for MARK 311, the Dino Squad has utilized methods of market research to identify the drivers of fluctuating consumer spending in the travel and hospitality industry. We have explored the effects of holidays, social media, the COVID-19 pandemic, income levels, and demographics in reference to travel and hospitality. The goal of this research is to identify these factors and provide informative data from the last few years to help the industry make educated decisions moving forward. Through observations, interviews, and surveys taken by consumers, our team aims to reveal patterns in travel spending so that companies within the industry may better understand their customers.
Faculty Mentors & Instructors
Stacy Neier Beran
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Squad Dino: Travel & Hospitality Market Research
As part of the classwork for MARK 311, the Dino Squad has utilized methods of market research to identify the drivers of fluctuating consumer spending in the travel and hospitality industry. We have explored the effects of holidays, social media, the COVID-19 pandemic, income levels, and demographics in reference to travel and hospitality. The goal of this research is to identify these factors and provide informative data from the last few years to help the industry make educated decisions moving forward. Through observations, interviews, and surveys taken by consumers, our team aims to reveal patterns in travel spending so that companies within the industry may better understand their customers.