Presenter Information

Sydney SamoskaFollow


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Anticipated Graduation Year


Access Type

Open Access


Open-minded cognition (OMC) is a cognitive style that describes the willingness to consider a variety of perspectives, especially when they contradict one's own. In this project, we seek to manipulate brain activation via transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to test the causal effects of stimulating different brain areas on OMC and identify a non-invasive means for improving OMC. In addition to studying the neural underpinnings of OMC, we also study ways in which OMC may be affected by pedagogical interventions we have developed, which include facilitating conversations surrounding controversial topics within a group of people with multiple perspectives and beliefs.

Faculty Mentors & Instructors

Dr. Bob Morrison, Associate Professor, Psychology; Dr. Joseph Vukov, Assistant Professor, Philosophy; Dr. Michael Burns, Assistant Professor, Biology.

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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



Opening the Mind: Brain Stimulation, Theory, and Practice

Open-minded cognition (OMC) is a cognitive style that describes the willingness to consider a variety of perspectives, especially when they contradict one's own. In this project, we seek to manipulate brain activation via transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to test the causal effects of stimulating different brain areas on OMC and identify a non-invasive means for improving OMC. In addition to studying the neural underpinnings of OMC, we also study ways in which OMC may be affected by pedagogical interventions we have developed, which include facilitating conversations surrounding controversial topics within a group of people with multiple perspectives and beliefs.