Presenter Information

Andrea BecerrilFollow



Anticipated Graduation Year


Access Type

Open Access


This research is on miracles. My claim is that there are levels of miracles, and some impact the laws of nature more than others. The reason for this is that some miracles affect individuals, while others impact groups of people. Let's look at biblical cases: when Jesus fed over 5,000 with two fish and five loaves of bread, it had a significant impact, just like when Jesus turned water into wine. On a smaller scale in the Bible, we have the example of Jesus curing the blind, specifically the man in John 9. Now, in non-religious terms, let's think about the resurrection of Jesus, which is central to many different religions, and many of these religions are still practiced today, meaning it continues to impact many people. On a smaller scale, there is the case of Luke Burgie, who was suffering from a stomach virus that doctors could not diagnose. Once they were able to diagnose Luke, his symptoms miraculously stopped. This comes together to show that levels of significance can alter the laws of nature.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.




This research is on miracles. My claim is that there are levels of miracles, and some impact the laws of nature more than others. The reason for this is that some miracles affect individuals, while others impact groups of people. Let's look at biblical cases: when Jesus fed over 5,000 with two fish and five loaves of bread, it had a significant impact, just like when Jesus turned water into wine. On a smaller scale in the Bible, we have the example of Jesus curing the blind, specifically the man in John 9. Now, in non-religious terms, let's think about the resurrection of Jesus, which is central to many different religions, and many of these religions are still practiced today, meaning it continues to impact many people. On a smaller scale, there is the case of Luke Burgie, who was suffering from a stomach virus that doctors could not diagnose. Once they were able to diagnose Luke, his symptoms miraculously stopped. This comes together to show that levels of significance can alter the laws of nature.