Loyola eCommons - Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium: Citizen Diplomacy: Chicago as a Center of Cultural and Diplomatic Exchanges

Presenter Information

Megan DelaneyFollow


International Studies

Anticipated Graduation Year


Access Type

Open Access


WorldChicago is a U.S. State Department-sponsored organization that creates and fosters citizen diplomacy right here in Chicago. It is based on the idea that everyday citizens can help shape U.S. foreign relations through personal interactions with global citizens and promote ideas of social justice and empowerment of the disenfranchised. This is done through programs that foster mentorship, education, and understanding of entrepreneurs and professionals from all over the world "one handshake at a time."

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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



Citizen Diplomacy: Chicago as a Center of Cultural and Diplomatic Exchanges

WorldChicago is a U.S. State Department-sponsored organization that creates and fosters citizen diplomacy right here in Chicago. It is based on the idea that everyday citizens can help shape U.S. foreign relations through personal interactions with global citizens and promote ideas of social justice and empowerment of the disenfranchised. This is done through programs that foster mentorship, education, and understanding of entrepreneurs and professionals from all over the world "one handshake at a time."