Loyola eCommons - Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium: Privacy and Security: Assessing the Current Layout Present Within Universities

Presenter Information

Mutah KholokiFollow


Business Administration

Anticipated Graduation Year


Access Type

Open Access


Security and privacy are serious components of everyday life. Assuring that individuals, especially students, are getting the amount of each that they need is vital to their growth. In an age where privacy and security are becoming heavily threatened due to increasing technology usage and cyber threats, it’s vital for institutions to have strong defense mechanisms in place to prevent such threats. This is especially important in a university setting. It’s the duty of universities to strengthen themselves to prevent such attacks. Preventative need to be put into place so that students are given the opportunity to maximize their potentials.

Faculty Mentors & Instructors

Christopher Oh, Information Systems Professor, Information Systems department


When choosing my major in the above form, there was no option for Information Systems so I selected Business Administration.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



Privacy and Security: Assessing the Current Layout Present Within Universities

Security and privacy are serious components of everyday life. Assuring that individuals, especially students, are getting the amount of each that they need is vital to their growth. In an age where privacy and security are becoming heavily threatened due to increasing technology usage and cyber threats, it’s vital for institutions to have strong defense mechanisms in place to prevent such threats. This is especially important in a university setting. It’s the duty of universities to strengthen themselves to prevent such attacks. Preventative need to be put into place so that students are given the opportunity to maximize their potentials.