Loyola eCommons - Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium: Pangolin Habitat Environment Remote Monitoring System Senior Computer Engineering Capstone Design Project


Computer Engineering

Anticipated Graduation Year


Access Type

Open Access


The Senior Computer Engineering Capstone Design project is a system designed to remotely monitor the environment of its pangolin habitats. This system consists of sensors attached to microcontrollers set within the environment, a database that take readings and stores information, and a website that allows zoo employees to access the information from anywhere in the zoo. We have implemented and tested our system locally to confirm its quality and efficiency. Through the use of this system, the Zoo will be able to monitor the environment of habitats and rapidly respond to any situation where the environment needs to be adjusted.

Community Partners

Brookfield Zoo

Faculty Mentors & Instructors

Dr. Jason Streeter, Clinical Assistant Professor, Engineering Science

Supported By

John Kanzia, Environmental Quality Manager, Brookfield Zoo; Dr. Tom Meehan, VP of Veterinary Services, Brookfield Zoo; Todd Oakley, Senior Manager IT, Brookfield Zoo

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



Pangolin Habitat Environment Remote Monitoring System Senior Computer Engineering Capstone Design Project

The Senior Computer Engineering Capstone Design project is a system designed to remotely monitor the environment of its pangolin habitats. This system consists of sensors attached to microcontrollers set within the environment, a database that take readings and stores information, and a website that allows zoo employees to access the information from anywhere in the zoo. We have implemented and tested our system locally to confirm its quality and efficiency. Through the use of this system, the Zoo will be able to monitor the environment of habitats and rapidly respond to any situation where the environment needs to be adjusted.