Loyola eCommons - 2025 Ruth K. Palmer Research Symposium: Equitable Safe Sleep Initiative

Equitable Safe Sleep Initiative

Nature and scope of the project

In 2021, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) significantly contributed to infant mortality. In response, IDPH implemented a comprehensive approach to reduce infant mortality, offering hospitals training and support for risk-appropriate care. However, OSF LCMMC did not have a standardized Safe Sleep education for discharging newborns.

Synthesis and analysis of supporting literature

ILPQC two objectives for December 2025 focused on promoting Equitable Safe Sleep for Infants (ESSI). First, over 70% of hospitals in Illinois should engage in the ESSI to address disparities and advocate for neonatal equity. Second, 80% of infants must leave ILPQC hospitals with a completed ESSI bundle, which consists of awareness, readiness, and transfer of care.

Project implementation

In March 2024, the Family Birth Center launched a safe sleep education course for nurses, promoting safe sleep practices. Parents receive sleep sacks and resources for secure sleep environments. Standardized documentation was developed to streamline ESSI components for other healthcare providers at discharge.

Evaluation criteria

The ESSI standards mandate 20 crib audits monthly in the Acute Obstetrics unit and the Special Care Unit at OSF LCMMC to ensure infants have safe sleep environments, conducted during both day and night shifts.


As of October 2024, 89.6% of staff completed safe sleep education. All patients received a sleep sack and educational materials. Safe sleep documentation started in July 2024, with compliance rising from 60% in August to 80% in October.


Continue educating parents about safe sleep to prevent SUID. Nurses provide guidance to create safe sleep environments and equip caregivers with knowledge and resources, aiming to reduce SUID.



Equitable Safe Sleep Initiative