A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
Curriculum Objectives of the Elizabethan Grammar Schools, Mary Donald Lynch
Ethics and United States Foreign Policy According to Reinhold Niebuhr, John Redmond Macnamara
Hypothalamic Blood Flow and Temperature in the Unanesthetized Normal and Febrile Cat, Rocco Anthony Marrese
El Hombre y Su Itinerario a Dios en Fedor M. Dostoievski y Miguel De Unamuno, Carlos E. Martin
The Effect of Neurological Training on Reading Retardation, Mary Julia Masterman
A Quantitative Study on Analogues of the Biophysics of Resisting Forces and Stresses That Correspond to the Horizontal Fibers of a Periodontal Ligament, Bruce M. Nakfoor
Light and Darkness Imagery in the Oresteia of Aeschylus, Eugene MIchael O'Brien
The Causes of Moral Existence According to the Doctrine of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Francis O'Brochta
A Discussion of the British-Mexican Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation of December 26th, 1826, James G. Pappas
The Methodist Circuit Rider in the Old Northwest, Edmond Thomas Parker
A Study of Sex Differences in Solutions to a Multiple Choice Anagram Task, Loretta Y. Postillion
An Empirical Comparison of the Techniques for the Differentiation of Handedness, Margaret Rose Procyk
The Labor Philosophy of James Riddle Hoffa, Francis X. Quinn
A Histochemical Study of Steroid Hormone Synthesis in the Gonads of the Brown Leghorn Chick Embryo, David Glenn Rabuck
The Background of the Revolution of May 25, 1810 at the Port of Buenos Aires, Mary Robert Reis
A Study of the Effect of Stress upon Performance on a Measure of Creative Potential, Joseph V. Rizzo
Some Aspects of the Effectiveness of a Demonstration Program in an Experimental High School, Robert G. Roskamp
Motivational Patterns of Minor Seminarians, Susana Jimenez Schlesinger
The Occupation of Gotland by the Teutonic Knights, 1398-1408, Karl-Ferdinand Schmidt
Vitamin D and Placental Calcium, William G. Schmitz
A Twelve Month Study of the Gross and Histologic Changes Occurring in the Jaws of Young Macaca Rhesus Monkeys as a Result of Experimental Surgery, Jerome E. Schoen
Attitudes, Awareness and Involvement of Chicago's Teaching Sisters in Current Social Issues: A Study of Religion as Social Control, M. Anthony Sparks
Virtus in the Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, David John Stagaman
The Effect of Progesterone on the Growth and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus, Ronald T. Stanke