A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
High School Leadership: A Study of Differential Characteristics of Emergent Leaders and Non-Leaders in a Small Private Roman Catholic Girls' High School in a Large Midwestern City, Hubert James Horan
An Analysis of Paul Tillich's Educational Views, Bobetta Jacobs
Biophysical Assessment of a Reciprocal Vertical Force System on Posterior Teeth in Normal Functional Occlusion, Gerald Jeffry
A Gross and Histologic Study of the Changes Occuring in Young Macaca Rhesus Monkeys as a Result of Intracapsular, Subcondylar Fracture of the Mandible, Stanley James Kaczala
Cytogenesis of the Multinucleated Foreign Body Giant Cell, Mitchell V. Kaminski
Respiration in Dogs with Spinal Cord Transection at C1, Peter Joseph Kane
Biophysical Assessment of a Reciprocal Vertical Force System on Posterior Teeth Out of Occlusion in a Rhesus Monkey, Dale K. Kostiwa
The Influence of the Brand Name on Perception of a Food Product, Edward A. Krimm
A Correlational and Predictive Study of College Freshmen in a Midwestern University, J. Dennis Lamping
An Experimental Investigation of the Relationship between the Mmpi and the Survey of Interpersonal Values, Kamal Lathi
A Cephalometric Assessment of Cranial-Facial Morphology in Class I, Class II, and Class III Malocclusions, Robert R. Lokar
Realidad y Simbolo en la Casa de Bernarda Alba, Miguel Angel Martinez
Susceptibility to Persuasion Under Conditions of Sensory Deprivation, John W. McCloskey
A Study of the Ability of Antipyretics to Act as Carboxlyase Models, Jay Alan McMahon
The Impact of Court Decisions on Union Growth - 1945-1948, Aloysius Joseph Memmel
Malcolm and Hartshorne on the Anselmian Argument for the Existence of God, James Allan Meyer
A Longitudinal Study Investigating the Predictability of the MMPI and Kuder for Diocesan Seminarians, James J. Murtaugh
A Descriptive Study of a Religious Community with Specific Reference to Familism, Mary Agatha. Niebrugge
A Histologic Study of the Regeneration of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve, Robert Francis Nolan
Interest Patterns of Management Personnel as a Function of Organizational Level, Arthur Chalmers Omberg
Duns Scotus and Leibniz on the Ontological Argument, William Martin O'Meara
A Study of the Isle of Man, 1558-1660, Jack Ongemach
The Legislative History of the French Law of Sacrilege of 1825, Arthur H. Pare
A Study of the Rat Molar Pulp at Various Ages, Rafael D. Pinzon