A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Role of Religious Orientation in the General Happiness of Married Catholics, Raymond G. Carey
Critique of Some Recent Research in the Identification of the Gifted Child, Patricia Chisholm
The Relationship between Anxiety, Engagement in a Learning Situation, and Client-Centered Teaching, William Edward Davis
Effect of Some Oral Hypoglycemic Agents on Hepatic Protein Synthesis, Lawrence Dechatelet
Glycolytic Metabolism of the Dog's Myocardium in Hemorrhagic Shock, Joan Doersching
The Relationship of Personality Characteristics, Awareness, and Attitude in a Verbal Conditioning Situation, M. Austin Doherty
Comparability of Group and Individual Bender Reproductions of Delinquents, Richard G. Doiron
A Study to Determine If There Is a Relationship between Treatment Success and Patient Attitudes, Gene L. Dongieux
Assessment of Changes in the Integumental Profile Following Orthodontic Treatment, B.L. Ellis
A Personality Description of the Unwed Pregnant Adolescent, Using Story Sequence Analysis, Rona Marcia (Katz) Fields
Effect of Glucose on the Radioautographic Uptake of L-Lysine-H₋p3₋s by Cells of the Seminiferous Epithelium, Casimir F. Firlit
Sociability Scores as a Predictor of Intra-Group Cooperation, Julian Frank
An Investigation of Changes in Personality and General Ability as Related to Various Phases of Sister Formation, Marie Garrity
A Qualitative Study of the Biophysics of Tooth Movement by Means of a Three-Dimensional Analog, Edgar Francis Geigel
Relationship between Intelligence and Anxiety, Olegario de Godoy
The Effect of Aging upon Collagen Synthesis and Reutilization, Allen Fred Goldberg
A Linear Cephalometric Analysis: Its Description and Application in Assessing Changes in the Mandible After Orthodontic Treatment, J. Keith Grimson
The Screening of Inner-City Male High School Dropouts for Employment in Industry, Bethel G. Gross
A Study of the Changes in the Young Rhesus Monkey Mandible Following Condylectomy, Julius Guccione
Poema del Cante Jondo de Federico Garcia Lorca: Fondo, Forma y Senales Teatrales, James Gunnell
A Great Industrial Experiment, Edward A. Heberg
The Paper Mill Industry in the Lower Fox River Valley, Wisconsin, 1872-1890, Dorothy Heesakker
Analysis of Examiner Variance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, John Joseph Henning
A New Method of Scoring the How Supervise ? Test, Edward J. Hester
Protein Labeling of the Cryptorchid Testis of the Rat, Mannfred A. Hollinger