A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Sociofunctional Approach To Understanding Transphobia, Linas Mitchell
Union Busted: Understanding the Relationship Between Democrats, Republicans, and Teachers’ Unions, Roman Motley
Consistency of Health Behaviors and Relations to BMI in First Year College Students, Laura Nicholson
Characterizing the Requirement of the Cmi/Trr COMPASS-Like Complex During Drosophila Development, Timothy Nickels
Pain and Academic Performance in Youth with Spina Bifida: The Mediating Role of Neuropsychological Functioning, Diana Margaret Ohanian
Inhibition of Mutant EGFR in NSCLC Promotes Endothelin-1-Mediated NSCLC Disease Progression, Stephen Ollosi
Police Beats and City Streets: An Examination of Black American and Latinx Youth Interactions with and Perceptions of Police, Ogechi Onyeka
Immunobiology of Adenovirus-Vector Vaccines for MRSA, Emily Orvis
Reflections on Life: Replication and Extension, Karen Osowski
It's About Time: Length of Incarceration, Gang Membership, and Recidivism among Illinois Prison Releasees, Henry Douglas Otto
Effects of Affiliative Motivation and Confrontation Style on Anti-Black Attitudes and Social Consequences, Jamie Patrianakos
Mechanistic Investigations of the Iron(iii)-Catalyzed Carbonyl-Olefin Metathesis Reaction, Susan Phan
A Study Into the Feasibility of Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for the Identification of Alcohol Misuse in Trauma Patients, Andrew Phillips
Never Silent: Evolution of Black Women's Anti-Rape Organizing, 1965 - 1985, Keisa Rochelle Reynolds
Culturally Relevant Choral Music Pedagogy and Student Feedback, Theoni Richardson
Toddler Activity Recognition Using Machine Learning, Pinky Sindhu
The Educated Hustlers and Divas: How Black Youth Use Black Television as a Tool to Communicate While in School., Kiersten M. Smith
Cryptic Diversification of Two Widespread Species in Madagascar, Lynika Sharlice Strozier
The Power of a Stereotype: American Depictions of the Black Woman in Film Media, Brittany Terry
Social Class and the Liberal-Arts-Professional-Studies Divide, Sarah Thorngate
An Exploratory Study of Factors Influencing the Success of Refugee Youth in College and University, Lea Tienou-Gustafson
International Student Intersectionality in the Trump Era, Sarah Tolman
The Use of a Grammaticality Judgment Task To Assess the Role of Receptive Vocabulary, Cognitive Inhibition, and Cognitive Flexibility on Syntactic Awareness, Lanette Mae Urbin
Participation in Medical Research: Reasons Provided in Cognitive Interviews of a Diverse Sample, Silvia Valadez
Desde la Caballería a la Cristiandad: La Transformación Espiritual De Don Quijote, Amanda Kathleen Verduin