A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Dexamethasone Treatment Effects on H3k27me3 Chromatin Organization Is Related to NK Cell Immune Dysregulation, Michael Sarafeno Misale
Developing Integral Ecologists: Description and Analysis of the State of Environmental Education at Jesuit High Schools in Light of Religious Ecological Commitments and Science Education Research, Philip Nahlik Nahlik
Filling Pews, Speaking Truth: Pro-Life Ministry in a Liberal Catholic Parish, Jonathan Neidorf
Multifunctional Regulatory T Cells from Human Umbilical Cord Blood and the Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor in Immune Homeostasis, Alexander Nelson
Developmental Assets and Outcomes: An Analysis of Male Serious Juvenile Offenders to Promote Evidence Based Approaches for Rehabilitation, Danielle Jordan Nesi
Domestic Violence Among Asian Indian Immigrant Women in the United States, Teuta Peja
Characterization of Inhibitory Molecules Produced by Lactobacillus Crispatus, Giuseppe Anthony Pistone
Chronic Effects of Lead Exposure on Atherinops Affinis (topsmelt): Influence of Salinity and Organism Age, Erik Joseph Reynolds
Children's Exposure to Violence Across Contexts: Profiles of Family, School, and Community Witnessing and Victimization, Catherine Mary Rice
Privatizing Laws: Examining the Relationship between Privatization Elements in State Education Laws and Fourth Grade Academic Performance, Stephanie Romeo
Real-Time Fall Detection and Response on Mobile Phones Using Machine Learning, Ilona Shparii
A Comparative Analysis of Access to Reproductive Health Care in Laos and Southeast Asia, Malakhone Sonethavong
The Role of Phage tRNAs in the Evolution of Codon Usage Biases in Giant Pseudomonas Phage phiKZ and EL, Stephanie Steidel
Getting Students Employed: 21st Century Learning Competences and Career Competences, Kelly Cebold Sundberg
“Creating a New Mythos”: Reassessing Race Standards and Latina/o Students, Margarita Vizcarra
Intersectional Stereotypes of Race, Gender, and Facial Structure and Evaluative Judgments of Leadership Ability and Workplace Fit, Avery Nichole Waklatsi
The Art of the Resistance: Participation in the Slipstream and Acts of Resistance in a Culinary Re-Entry Program, Anna R. Wilcoxson
A Mobile App Illustrating Sensory Neural Coding Through an Efficient Coding of Collected Images and Sounds, Xiaolu Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Summertime Sleep and BMI in Urban Minority Girls: Relations to Physical Activity and Executive Functions, Carolyn Rose Bates
Parenting-Related Stress, Parental Distress, and Youth Health-Related Quality of Life in Families of Youth with Spina Bifida: Parenting Behaviors As Mediators, Colleen F. Bechtel
Psychological Predictors of Community Violence Exposure in Ethnic Minority Male Adolescents, Amanda Burnside
In Plain Sight: How Social Images in Education Shape the Social Identity of Black Students, Kandyce Cabacar
The Role of c-Abl Kinase in HCC Development, Lennox Chitsike