A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Lipoate Metabolism in Staphylococcus Aureus Pathogenesis, Maria Azul Zorzoli
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Characterization of Exopolysaccharide (EPS) Produced by Bacillus subtilis Mutants, Alexander Argianas
The Protective Effect of Kinship Support on the Adjustment of Youth in Foster Care, Grace Jhe Bai
The Effects of Acculturative Stress on Mental Health Outcomes of African Immigrant and Refugee Youth: Coping as a Moderator, Emma-Lorraine Baaba Bart-Plange
Teacher Retention and Student Achievement: Environmental Factors, Social Capital and Interventions in Urban, Pre-Dominantly Latino Schools, Luis Xavier Benavides
Bystander Confronting of Anti-Black Racism: Effects of Belonging Affirmation and Confrontation Training, Rayne Bozeman
The Impacts of Family Environment and Stress Reactivity on Daily Mood for Low-Income Latino Adolescents, Stephanie K. Brewer
Sustainable Chicago 2015: A Political Analysis, Zachary A. Brown
A Study of Education Management Organizations: Competition Framing as a Technique in Education Policy, Calli Leigh Burnett
Role of Heat Shock Proteins in Maintenance of the Gut Barrier Following Burn Injury, Abigail Rhea Cannon
El Sufrimiento en la Literatura y la Cinematografía Latinoamericanas: Un Análisis de las Representaciones y las Experiencias de Sufrir, Adrian Xavier Cuevas
Emetine as an Anti-Cancer Therapeutic in Bladder Cancer, Valerie Davidson
A Comparison of Secondary Dropout Rates in Rural and Urban Costa Rica, Mary Flynn Doran
Development of the Personal and Professional Self-Care Scale, Katherine Elizabeth Dorociak
The Role of Pidd Protein in Adenoviral Induction of Apoptosis, Iris Teresa Figueroa
Tcr Modifications to Enhance Expression, Chain Pairing, and Antigen Recognition for Adoptive T Cell Transfer, Kendra Foley
Social Maintenance of Oppressive Structures, Stephen Gabourel
The American Student Abroad and the Perceived Impact in the Local Community, Emily Gaul
Defining Character: A Curriculum Analysis of the Boy Scouts of America and the National Kappa League, Helen Marie Gerety
The Settlement Stage: How Hull House Bridged Leisure, Creativity, and Play, Ann Goodson
The Influence of Community-Based Summer Programs on Ethnically Diverse, Low-Income Chicago Youth, Amy Governale
Autonomy Support, Elaborativeness, and Problem Solving During Families’ Building Construction in a Children’s Museum, Tayler Grashel
The Influence of Backlash on Self-Sexualization and Cognitive Depletion, Mallory Helen Elizabeth Nurse Grembowski
The Influence of Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reef Restoration on Nitrogen Cycling in a Eutrophic Estuary., Michael Hassett
Examination of Script and Non-Script Based Narrative Retellings in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Elizabeth Ann Hilvert