A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
A Thematic Analysis of Study Abroad Programs in Community College Institutions in the U.S., Christina Parker
The Contribution of the Female Urinary Microbiota to Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Travis Kyle Price
Positive Peer Pressure Among Black American Youth and the Roles of Ethnic Identity and Gender, Dakari Quimby
The Impact of Mood on Adjustment from Self-Generated Anchors, Cara Elizabeth Ray
Malaria Transmission Blocking Vaccines, Lukasz Jacek Sewera
Investigating the Role of Cysteine in Biofilm Formation by Vibrio fischeri, Priyanka Abhishek Singh
Predictors of Prison-Based Drug Treatment in Illinois, Erin Elizabeth Sneed
The Effects of Stress and Alcohol on HIV-1 Latency, Sarah Ilene Talley
DNA Methylation Patterns of Specific L1 Loci on the Short Arm of Chromosome 21, Sarah Ann Tincher
Conditionalities of the Knowledge Banks and the Financing of Higher Education in West Africa: A Focus on Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, Innocent Chima Ugwoke
Though My Gross Blood Be Stain'd: Bleeding Bodies and Power Dynamics in Shakespeare's the Tragedy of Coriolanus and the Rape of Lucrece, Lindsey Katherine Dee Wedow
Returning Citizens? The Path from Prison to Politics Among the Formerly Incarcerated, Quintin A. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The Coupling of the Visual Arts with the Core Curriculum, Victoria Anne Beagle
A Study of Functional Recovery and Axonal Plasticity Following TBI and Anti-Nogo-A Immunotherapy, Jennifer Crystal Biesiadecki
Self-Objectification and Self-Surveillance in African American and Latina Girls: Links to Body Dissatisfaction and Self-Worth, Kimberly A. Burdette
High-Stakes Testing: The Student Voice, Julianna Marie Cechowski
Environmental Drivers of Leaf Breakdown Rate in an Urban Watershed, Ashley Rachelle Cook
Rethinking Teacher Quality: Narrow Versus Broad Conceptions of Capability, Anthony Costa
Elucidating the Transcriptional Regulation of col2a1a in Zebrafish, Sonja Dabizljevic
Understanding the Mechanism Behind Social Tuning of Automatic Prejudice: Attitudinal Alignment Or Social Norms?, Amanda Renee Daniel
Effects of Urbanization on Sediment Microbial Communities in Lotic Ecosystems, Bradley Drury
Role of the Intestinal Microbiota in Gut Barrier Dysfunction Following Burn Injury, Zachary Earley
The Effect of Semantic Clustering on Idea Quality in Individual and Group Ideation, Amanda Christine Egan
Domestic Violence and the Legal System: A Case Study of 10 Mexican Women and the Process of Seeking Legal Recourse, Martha Cecilia Espinosa