A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Chicago Housing: Understanding How Local Organizations Mobilize to Preserve Public and Affordable Housing, Cameron Williams
The Perceived Threat of Secularism and Militancy Among Religious Fundamentalists, Chase Wilson
Teacher Attrition: The Job Choices of Ex-Teachers, Becky Wock
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Conspiratorial Thinking: How Worldview and Mortality Salience Affect Belief, Eric James Anderson
Evidence for Renewal and Reconstitution of Marginal Zone Macrophages in Young and Aged Mice, Erika Bahamon
Factors in Destination Decisions for Cuban Study Abroad, Kari Beall
Testimony, Remhi and Senselessness in Guatemalan Memory, Melissa Jean Boroughs
Spanish Women Remembered in Elena Quiroga's Tristura, Escribo Tu Nombre and a Enferma, Ellen Patricia Brugliera
Alpha-Synuclein Aggregates Activate the Nlrp3 Inflammasome Following Vesicle Rupture, Rudy Orlando Cedillos
Treading Identities: Second-Generation Christian Indian Americans Negotiating Race, Ethnicity and Religion in America, Soulit Chacko
The Effect of Vitamin D on Human T Regulatory Cell Differentiation, Stephanie Anne Chapman
Unpacking the Study of Instructional Improvement: Issues, Outcomes, and Implications of Three Comprehensive School Reform Efforts, Gabriella Silva Gorsky
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Response to Invasion and Subsequent Removal of Typha × glauca From Great Lakes Coastal Marshes, Kimberly Anne Greene
The Comparative Morphology of the Pectoral Free Rays in Scorpaenoid Fishes (perciformes: Scorpaenoidea)), Jeremy Peter Harris
Legislating the Risk of Light Teachers in 1950s and 1970s America, Kevin Vincent Heffernan
Learning Freedom: Education, Elevation, and New York's African American Middle Class, 1827-1829, Michael Hines
Characterization of Inducible Regulatory T Cells: An Umbilical Cord Blood Model, Rebecca Anne Krier
Analysis of the Minimal Promoter from the Hatching Enzyme a Gene, Anna Matejczyk
The Independent Influences of Relational and Physical Victimization on Subsequent Physical Aggression in Middle School Children, Michelle D. Mioduszewski
Identifying Student Perspectives: Addressing the Financial Barriers Facing Low-Income Students in Study Abroad, Lauren Miranda
Activity Patterns and Spatial Resource Selection of the Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis), Matthew Gregory Most