A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
Comparative Study of Three Intelligence Tests Administered to Deaf Children, Angela Lucille Chemazar
Hume's Natural Determinism of the Will, Matthew D. Cook
Realism of Garbriel Marcel, John R. Crocker
Predetermined Time Values: A Survey of Chicago Companies' Experiences, Frank Robert. DiGiovanni
Un-Selfconcern in Aristotle's Notion of Happiness, Joseph Raoul Disselhorst
The Problem of Schematism of Pure Concepts of Understanding in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, John Edward Dister
The Influence of Painting on the Fiction Theory of Henry James as Exemplified in the Ambassadors, William Horace Dodd
A Study of Negro Vocational High School Graduates, Charles Edward Donegan
The Legal Positivism of Hans Kelsen, Michael H. Ducey
The Dialectic of Action in Maurice Blondel's L'Action (1893), Gerard. Egan
The Personalistic Philosophy of Louis Lavelle, Thomas Edward Gafney
Coventry Patmore's "Psyche's Discontent" and the Child's Purchase": An Explication, Kevin Edward Gallagher
Jose Maria Luis Mora and the Suppression of the University of Mexico, Mary Liam. Gallagher
The End of the Affair and the Religious Sentiments of Graham Greene, Michael Gallagher
Mitotic Activity of Human Oral Epithelium When Exposed to Hydrogen Peroxide, Anthony William Gargiulo
Dialectical Freedom as Found in Soren Kierkegaard's Religious Works, Frank Joseph Granzeier
A Partial Validation of the Manifest Hostility Scale, Thomas F. Grib
Enteric Bacteria Recovered from the Snakes of Two Public Zoos, Demetrios George Halkias
Electromyography of the Back Muscles During Respiration and Speech, Albert Avery Halls
A Study of the Leadership of a "People's Organization": The Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Patrick J. Henry
A Study of the Leadership of a "People's Organization": The Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Patrick J. Henry
The Objections of Cajetan and Suarez to the Five Ways of Saint Thomas, Denis M. Hickey
Pindar's Philosophy of Life, Francis Joseph Houdek
Subendocardial Hemorrhage Produced by Stimulation of Cardiac Sympathetic Nerves, Michael P. Kaye
Hamlet: A Study in Dramatic Art, John Francis Keating