A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
College Students as Volunteer Subjects, Robert W.F. Kelly
Supplemental Unemployment Benefits in a Situation of Permanent Layoff a Case Study), James C. Koch
A Study of Occupational Status of the Foreign-Born Chinese College Graduates in Chicago, Wen-chih Ko
Policy Development in Government Wartime Seizures Arising from Labor Disputes, Albert Martin Krueger
A Streetcar Named Desire: A Study of Determinism in Modern Drama, John Skelly Kundtz
An Analysis of the Objections Filed to Representation Elections Under the Labor Management Relations Act - August 22, 1947 to August 21, 1957, Bernadette Curry Lowum
An Investigation of the Relationship between Skill in Deductive Reasoning and Adjustment and between Skill in Problem Solving and Adjustment at Various Levels of Education, Mary Rosaire Lucassen
The Reaction of America, the Commonweal, and the Catholic World to Italian Fascism, Samuel Anthony Marotta
The Critical Flicker Frequency in Relation to the Muller-Lyer Illusion, Paul Martin
Toward an Understanding of Christopher Fry, Edward Joseph Mattimoe
A Study of the Relationship Among Certain Measures of Quantitive and Verbal Abilities, and Achievement in Freshman Engineering Drawing, Mathematics and English in a Public Junior College, Harold Constantine Messinides
A Survey of Current Labor Problems Involving Scheduled Air Line Flight Crews, Thomas Francis Miller
A Study of the Concept of Matter in the Philosophy of Plotinus, Maurice Joseph Moore
Clerical Worker's Attitudes Toward White Collar Unions, O"Gerald Thomas O'Neill
A Preliminary Study of Differences in Inductive Reasoning Ability Among Upper Division College Men, Valerio Ortolani
An Analysis of Problems in Defining Total and Permanent Disability with Special Reference to Disability Insurance Benefits and the Disability Freeze Under Title Ii of the Social Security Act, Joseph John Pacholik
The Tryptic Hydrolysis of Pepsin, Pairent Pairent
An Electromyographic Appraisal of Temporal and Digastric Muscle Behavior Under the Influence of Oblique Loads, Bernard M. Pawlowski
the Wreck of the Deutschland": Seed Poem in the Flowering of Gerald Manley Hopkins' Poetry, Marie Jeanne Petrone
The Effect of Promazine Hydrochloride on Anxiety as Measured by the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, Vincent D. Pisani
Look Homeward, Angel: Great American Novel, Richard G. Polakowski
A Study of Social Backgrounds and Other Factors Associated with Interest of the Chicago Secondary School Girl in the Religious Life, Mary Theresita Polczynski
A Discriminative Scoring System for the Tat: An Investigation, Thomas Leo Qinn
An Analysis of Executive Fringe Benefits, Robert Francis. Riefke
A Methodological Study of the Cultural Definition of Man of Ernst Cassirer, Peter Joseph Roslovich