A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
Intra-Party Politics in the Election of 1880, Herbert Joseph Ryan
The Legislative History of the Kennedy-Ervin Labor Reform Bill in the First Session of the Eighty-Sixth Congress, Raymond Michael Ryan
A Study of Gamma Irradiated Mouse Submandibular Gland, Mario Vincent Santangelo
DNA Metabolism of the Basal Cell Layer of the Epithelium of the Tongue in the Mouse, William Albert Schoenheider
An Electromyographic Study of the Behavior of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During, and After Orthodontic Treatment: Part Iii. One Week After the Placement of Archwires, Richard John Shanahan
The Characteristics of Bacterium Anitratum with Special Reference to Lactose Utilization, Grace Shramek
Rorschach Movement Responses of College Students: A Normative Approach, Burton Siegel
An Electromyographic Appraisal of Muscle Tensions in the Temporal and Infrahyoid Musculature, Charles Edwin Smith
Comparison of Two Methods for Recovery of Fungi from Clinical Material, Kenneth J. Smith
Incentives for Indirect Labor, Gerald Curtis Stone
Alfonso Reyes Humanista Del Siglo XX, Jeanne Strauss
Enteric Bacteria from Reptiles in the Belgian Congo, Philomena A. Szafran
The Critical Method of F.R. Leavis, Ilene Schoenau Tello
Habitual Self-Knowledge: A Genetic Study of the Doctrine of St. Thomas in De Veritate, Q. 10, a. 8, W. Jared Wicks
An Electromyographic Study of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During and After Orthodontic Procedure: Part I. Before and One Day After Separating Wires Were Placed between the Teeth, Bernard Arnold Widen
A Case Study of Methods of Training Insurance Workers in the Hartford Fire Insurance Company Group Office, Chicago, Illinois, Richard Eugene Wynn
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
An Investigation of the Stretch of the Perioral Muscles, Raul R. Acevedo
The Effects of the Carotid Sinus Reflex on Cardiovascular Function, Thomas Kenny Akers
Richard Hooker and His Theory of Anglicanism, Marilyn Jean Becic
An Analysis of Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plans in the Rubber Industry, LeRoy Biondi
A Roengenographic Study of the Trabecular Pattern of the Alveolar Processes of the Human Maxilla and Mandible, Nicholas Joseph Brescia
Richard II on TV: A Critical Analysis Comparing the NBC Television Production with Shakespeare's Original Play, James A. Brown
The Predictive Value of the Individual Kuhlmann-Anderson Subtests Regarding Reading Improvement, Carolyn M. Cabanski
IRRA Members on Pending Labor Legislation, Gerald James Caraher
Electromyographic Study of Mandibular Posture as Influenced by Horizontal Changes of Head Posture, Gilbert Vincent Carter