A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
King Versus Parliament in the Reign of Charles I, Robert E. Beckman
A Study of Edmund Burke and the American Revolution, Lee Joseph Bennish
An Analysis of the Performances of Six-Month-Old Infants on the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Patricia Bledsoe
The Development of the Lutheran Charities' Child Care Division, Ruth Mathilda Blom
The Effect of a Strike on the Right of Workers to Vote in a Bargaining Representation Election, Henry Anthony Budzinski
An Analysis of the Length of Time Patients Remain in Treatment at the Mental Hygiene Clinic Service of the West Side Veterans Administration Hospital of Chicago, Illinois, Marietta J. Bundy
The Elementary Educational Program in the Rural Schools of Mexico, Jacqueline Lois Cadwell
The Initial Reading Program in Mexico, Louise Marion Cadwell
John Dewey's Concept of Truth, Peter Joseph Cahill
The Problems of the Identity of the Praecipere of Prudence as Found in St. Thomas, Cornelia Mary Callahan
A Study of Automobile Thefts in the Chicago Area, John Charles Callahan
Evaluation of the Intake Program of the Audy Home, James Edward Chambers
Bradley's Theory of Tragedy : Analysis and Critique, Thomas William Charbeneau
Fall and Resurgence of Art in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, Frederick Paul Chenderlin
The Influence of the Walker Commissions on the Isthmian Canal Question, John Walter Christian
The Ultimate Norm of Morality in the Tragedies of Sophocles, Paul Francis Conen
Guidance Institute in Socio-Economic Problems : The John Carroll Program, John Joseph Connelly
The Use of Expressionism in Three Plays of Eugene O'Neill, Charles A. Conroy
Studies on the Influence of Perfusate Potassium Concentration on Phosphate Metabolism in the Isolated Rabbit Heart, Jerry Stuart Cowan
Aristophanes' Criticism of Euripides, Matthew Eugene Creighton
The Value of the School Research Experience to the Student of Social Work, Jeanine Marie Deka
A Survey of Company Policies on Garnishments and Wage Assignments in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, Thomas Edward De Pinto
An Experimental Study of Rorschach Performance of Six-Year-Olds with and without a Trial Block, Katusha Marilyn Didenko
A Study of 100 Postwar Irish Immigrants in the City of Chicago, 1953, Patrick Joseph Dillon
Changes in the Organization of the Field Services Program of the Illinois Department of Public Health, Charles William Dixon