A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
A Study of the Emotional Problems of a Selected Group of Cerebral Palsied Children, James Forkeotes
The Art theory of Sir Joshua Reynolds , Hugh Fox
Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight South and Western States, Sidney Freeman
The Principle of Individualization in Social Casework, Raymond Purcell Ganey
Catholic Organic Society and Some of Its Manifold Implications Relating to Socio-Economic Roles, Eric Geib
A Psychosocial Study of Fifty Recidivist Boys Recommitted to the Illinois Youth Commission, April 30, 1954 Through October 22, 1954, Robert Duddleston Geigner
Webster's Dramatic Characterization in the White Devil and the Duchess of Malfi with Special Reference to Aristotle's Poetics, Mary Jane Grogan
Royal Rule in the Political Writings of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, James Patrick Henry
Casework Counseling with Parents of Cerebral Palsied Children, Bennette L. Herrera
The Role of the County Home Nursing Program in Providing Care for Public Assistance Recipients in Illinois, June 1945 Through December 1954, Frank P. Higgins
Enzyme Studies in the at Pituitary, Doris M. Hilker
An Analysis of the Major Changes in the Collective Bargaining Agreements between Swift & Co. And the United Packinghouse Workers of America-C.I.O. From 1942 Through 1954, David Anthony Hock
A Study of the Moral Decay and Despair of Macbeth Through His Naive Imagination, William Joseph Holmes
Fair Employment Practice Commission with Special Emphasis on Municipal Varieties, William Adolphus Jackson
Acceptance in the Casework Relationship, Rose Maureen Kelly
Studies on the Use of Differential Centrifugation Procedures for the Measurement of the Intracellular Distribution of Potassium in Dog Heart Muscle, Rene Richard Kempen
L'Allegro - Il Penseroso : Pre-Election Poems, William F. King
A Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Southern Atlantic Seaboard States, Eugene Albert Kroschel
The Religious Mind of Lefevre D'Estaples (1455-1536), Rita Charlotte Kucera
The Trend Toward Public Ownership of Urban Mass Transportation with Special Emphasis on the History of the Chicago Transit Authority, William Raphael Kurtz
Employee Benefits and Morale : A Case Study, John Bohan Laughlin
The Economic Redevelopment of Herrin, Illinois, Lawrence Eugene Lewnard