A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
Changing Length of the Work Week Within the Clearing Industrial District of Chicago, Illinois, Robert Shust
The Chicago Teachers Union : A Study of Its Programs, Problems, And Possibilities, Charles Paul Skibbens
The Doctrine of Purusa in Samkhya, Ludwig F. Stiller
The Doctrine of Liberum Arbitrium in Saint Bonaventure , William G. Thompson
The Result of Auditory Presentation During Sleep of Meaningful Material, Donald J. Tyrell
The Passion Sadness According to St. Thomas, Benjamin Joseph Urmston
Jacques Maritain's Aesthetic : An Expository Essay, Richard J. Williams
The Influence of Adrenalectomy on the Concentration of High Energy Phosphate and of Electrolytes in Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle, Allen L. Wright
Some Aspects of Cumpulsory Education in the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam, Vu-thi Yen
The Theory of Perception According to Gestalt Psychology, Thomas J. Zuber
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
An Exploratory Study of 18 Returned Veterans Who Went on Trial Visit from Downey, Illinois Veterans Hospital between July 1, 1953 and December 31, 1953, Elaine B. Bannick
A Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Pacific Coast States, Louis Eva Black
Child Guidance Services in Rural Areas, Norman Booth
An Evaluation of Lanfranc's Ecclesiastical Reform in Relation to the Gregorian Movement, William Joseph Bosch
The Effects of British Propaganda on the Great Adventure of Colonel Edward M. House from May 1914 to June 1915, James Richard Carney
Discharge and Discipline Cases in Labor Arbitration in the Post World War II Period, September I, 1945- August 31, 1954, Frank Henry Caruk
Some Aspects of Correlation of Aptitude to Achievement in the Professional Field of Dentistry, Gerard J. Casey
An Analysis of Difficulties Encountered by Some Seventh and Eighth Grade Pupils in the Solving of Verbal Arithmetic Problems, Bessie H. Chambers
The Relationship of Reading Ability to Performance on the Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Test, Paris P. Choncholas
A Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Western and Midwestern Foster Homes, Patricia Ann Condon
Angelo in Measure for Measure : Psychological Probability of His Repentance, John Aloysius Diamond
A Study of Male Neuropsychiatric Patients Who Went Out on Trial Visit between July 1st and December 31st, 1953, From Downey Veteran's Administration Hospital and Were Later Discharged, Priscilla Williams Dymally
Ascendance-Submission as Related to Speed of Visual Recognition of Tachistiscopically Presented "Ascendant" And "Submissive" Words, Richard John Ferber