A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
Anti-Foreignism in the Chinese Communist Appeal, John E. Kai-Cheng Fu
Sociology Courses in the High Schools of the Archdiocese of Chicago, 1955-56, Jacob Kalayil
The First Decade of the Sisters of Saint Felix in America, 1874-1884 , Mary Theophania Kalinowski
The Effect of Instructions on the Magnitude of the Psychogalvanic Skin Reflex, Paul Samuel Kehres
The Teaching of Saint Thomas Aquinas on the Participation of Creatures in Good, John J. Kinsella
A Critical Analysis of the Epic Hero in Paradise Lost, Joseph Matthew Kuntz
A Survey of the Effectiveness of Industrial Development Programs, Fred Philip Lauth
Some Aspects of Child Care in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Joseph Lemson
Opportunities for Women Trainees in Manufacturing in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. , Charlotte Lessing
Literary Introduction to the Japanese Writings of Lafcadio Hearn, Peter John Lindmans
A Critical Analysis of Scholarship Concerning Sir John Fortescue (C1934-1476), Ronald Joseph Malecki
The Relation of the Muscle Fiber to the Tendon Fibers at the Muscle-Tendon Junction, Thomas F. McDonald
The Alaskan Boundary Dispute : A Milestone in Canada's Maturing Desire for Political Independence, Edward J. McMahon
The Scholastic Nature of Hugo Grotius' Natural Law Doctrine as Found in De Jure Belli Et Pacis, Daniel J. McTague
The Formation of the Federal Judiciary System Up to the Judiciary Act of 1789 , James William Moore
The Hamartia of Richard Ii, Edward Francis Mulhern
Some Effects of Cortisone on the Mother and on the Fetus When Administered During Pregnancy in the Albino Rat, Robert John Novak
The Application of Communication Techniques in the Industrial Plant, John Joseph O'Connell
The Contribution of Buchan, Jamieson, and Motherwell to the Scottish Ballad Revival, Bernard C. O'Halloran
The Emotive theory of Value in Ayer's Logical Positivism , John D. O'Neill
Some Aspects of Social Work Education in Belgium and in France, Ann Phan thi Ngoc-Quoi
Milton's Doctrine of Chastity : An Interpretation of Comus, Philip C. Rule
A Study of the Department of Civil Rights of the Chicago Commission on Human Relations from 1943 to 1954, Claire Marie Sawyer
The Character of Odysseus, William Charles Schaefer
The Will in Descartes' Doctrine of Error, William A. Schock