A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
Plato's Philosophy of a Liberal Education as Found in the Republic, Richard M. Mackowski
The Navigation Acts and Colonial Massachusetts Industry, William O. Madden
A History of the Poe-Controversy in Periodical Literature of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century, Mary Gabriella Magrath
A Legislative History of the 1954 Amendments to the Social Security Act, Frank J. Maguire
A Seniority Plan : Administration and Application on a Local Level, William David Martin
Sophocles' Portrait of Oedipus the King, Norman George McKendrick
Child-Labor and Legislation in Nineteenth Century England, Mary Christopher McNaney
Children Known to the Family Court of Cook County Recommended for Placement by the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research, William B. Meyer
Effect of Estrogens on Certain Enzymes in Pituitary Tissue, Birute S. Micuta
The Sinking of the Lusitania : Crossroads for the United States on the Road to War, Christopher F. Mooney
The Medieval Synthesis and Unified Sensibility : Their Definition and Interrelation, Philip Thomas Mooney
The Nature of Deliberation According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Benjamin R. Morin
Social Factors Associated with the Admission of the Aged Patient to Cook County Psychopathic Hospital, Ella L. Murray
An Explanation of the Similarity of Style in the Writings of Newman and Cicero, John Richard Murray
The Historical Development of the Illinois Minimum Wage Standards for Women and Minors, 1945-1954, William B. Murray
The Effect of Hormones on the Rate of Healing of Experimental Wounds, George J. Neumann
Some Comparisons in Fundamental Education for Rural and Urban Areas in a Non-Industrialized Country, Nguyen-thi-Quyt
A Survey of the Use of Employee Attitude Questionnaires in a Selected Group of Companies in the Chicago Area, Raymond Jerome Novotny
Attitude Patterns of the Foreman and the Worker, Richard Joseph Obrochta
Intellectual Development and Educability of Cerebral Palsied Children as Revealed by Psychological Evaluation, Loo O'Donnell
A Comparison of the Responses of Public and Parochial School Children of Greek Parentage on the California Test of Personality, Diamond Pappas
Psycho-Social Factors in the Case Histories of Seventy Girls Admitted to the House of the Good Shepherd, Mary Patrice Patton
Philippine Labor Relations and Labor Problems, Pablo A. Pena
A Study of Crown Relations with Some Members of the House of Commons in the Reformation Parliament, 1529-1536, Mary Justine Peter