A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
The Effects of Tissue Culture Medium of Different Concentrations in Sutural Growth, Angel H. Vargas
Peirce's Concept of Habit and Its Value for Modern Educators, James John Velasco
The Loyola Seminarian Completion Test: Use with Protestant Seminarians, Barbara E. Walhout
An Elucidation of the Arboreal Theory of Primate Evolution: A Behavioral Comparison of the Manus of the Squirrel Monkey, the Tree Shrew, and the Gray Squirrel, Catherine Anne Walla-Murphy
Types of Belief and Racial Prejudice: Assessing Various Measures at a Catholic University, Barry Joseph Weber
The Effect of Fixed Prosthodontics on Crevicular Fluid Volume, Clifford A. Zmick
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
An Investigation of the Activity of Specific Antibody Isolated Using Immunoadsorbents, Guy Joseph Agostino
Use of Cattell's Music Preferences Test with Alcoholics Before and After Treatment, Lisa Anne Aiken
Incidence of Dirofilaria immitis and Dipetalonema reconditum in Illinois and a Study of Potential Mosquito Vectors of Dirofilaria immitis, Bolaji Nelson Akande
Patterns of Error in College Students Resulting from Semantic Generalization on Two Measures of Word Association, Helen Appleton
Cell Density and Labelling Index of the Periosteum of Rat Skull Treated with Tissue Culture Medium, Ruben Bayardo
Personality and Smoking: A Complex Multivariate Problem, Dale A. Bespalec
A Comparison of Mathematical Models of Multiple Cued Recall, Kathleen K. Biersdorff
Roles, Functions, and Training in Psychology: A Survey of Psychologists Graduated from Loyola University of Chicago, Janet Kamer Bleier
Description of the Educational System for the Disadvantaged Indian Population in Mexico, Perla K. Blejer
Determination of Mean Crevicular Fluid Volumes of Males and Females of Different Ages, Gary William Brankin
Endotoxic Lipopolysaccharide Activation of Complement: A Role for the Alternate Pathway, Blase Brown
A Validation Study of Millon's Theory and Measure, Michael E. Carney
The Orientation of Asplanchna Brightwelli in a Weak Horizontal Magnetic Field, Priscilla Kathleen Dale
Studies of Aging Patterns and Phosphatase Isozymes in the Life Cycle of the Nematode Panagrellus silusiae, Glenn Nicholas Doering
The Biosynthesis of Mannitol and Mannitol 1-phosphate in Staphylococci, Kenneth Edwards
Making Rewards Work: Refining the Overjustification Hypothesis, Naomi Eisenstein
Palestine: The Third Arab-Israeli War, 1967, Leila. Enayat-Seraj
Histopathologic Comparison of Two Commonly Used Root Canal Sealers, Henry Bruce Feinberg
Circulation of B and T Lymphocytes Through the Canine Kidney in Control and Hydronephrotic States, John P. Ferron