A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Changing Student Attitudes and Improving Academic Achievement Through Improved Self-Concept and Individualized Instruction, Mary F. Arnold
The Influence of Rest Position of the Hyoid Bone upon Neuromusculature Adaptation to Forced Posterior Displacement of the Tongue, Kent B. Augustson
The Trials of Gestapu: Political Change in Indonesia, 1965-1967, William Nicholas Bentivegna
Stress Relaxation of Elastomeric Orthodontic Thread, Robert Theodore Bergman
The Effect of Copper on Taste Sensitivity and Caries Activity, John S. Borello
The Development of a Tennis Backhand Drive Skill Test of Beginner Ability and the Use of This Test to Study the Effects of Two Styles of Backhand Drives in Female Students, Eleanor K. Broucek
The Effects of Age, Sex, Social Class, and Ethnic Group on Social Abstract Intelligence in Middle Childhood, William Preble Bryant
Presentation Conditions and Psychological Context: An Investigation of List and Position Tags, Kathleen Ann Carlson
Electron Microscopic Study of the Perivascular Region of the Pineal Gland of the Early Post-Hatching Domestic Fowl with Emphasis on Exogenously Produced Lymphocyte Emigration, Christopher N. Casciano
Dispersal and Confinement: Strategies of Gerrymandering in Chicago, Charles R. Catania
Learning in the Community: A Case Study of an Alternative Educational Approach to a Social Science Curriculum, Woodrow Wilson Clark Jr.
Development of a Modification and Interjudge Reliability of a Tat Scoring System for Adolescents, Aaron Cooper
The Effect of Pyridoxine and Pantothenic Acid Deficiency on Serum Immunolobulin Levels in Hamsters, Lowell Bruce Davis
The Psychological Experience of Guilt and Its Implications for the New Rite of Confession, Barbara L. Devereaux
Adrenal Influence on Puberty Onset in the Rat, Method Anthony Duchon
Influence of Social Intelligence on the Child's Susceptibility to Televised Aggression, Mary Doheny Feczko
The Identification and Study of the Cariogenicity of the Cultivatable Anaerobic Microorganisms of the Dental Plaque of Orthodontic Patients, Robert C. Gaudry
Nature and Moral Excellence in the Aristotelian Ethics, Robert Geis
Water Balance and Osmolality of Saliva, Donald J. Harboway
A Study of Some Tetraarylborate-PVC Membrane Electrodes, Boonrod Hirunmitnakon
Comparison of the Volume of Crevicular Fluid from Restored and Nonrestored Teeth, Lee Jameson
The Passage of Las Across the Teleost Chorion and the Mouse Placenta, Annabella Juhasz