A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Buildings and Values: An American Urban Aesthetic, Eleanor Regina Kaatz
Korean Americans in Chicago: An Exploratory Study, Young Kim
Judgments of Knowing: A Learning-to Learn Analysis, Joseph King
Marriage and Suicide: Recent Trends and an Investigation of the Possible Restraining Effects of Dependent Children, Conrad M. Kozak
Lingual Force on the Goshgarian Palatal Bar, Dennis J. Lazzara
Load Relaxation of Orthodontic Alastik Modules, Jose Loyola
Histological Evaluation of Gingiva in Complete Crown Restorations, Meera Mahajan
Dncb Induced Cell Mediated Response in Dmba Treated Hamster Pouches, Martin Marshack
An Ultrastructure Study on the Effect of Adrenalectomy and Cortisone on the Preameloblasts of the Rat Maxillary Incisor, Maynard James Marshall
College of Nursing: Psychological Predictors of Counseling Service Use, Audrey Marie Ruth Van Natta Melamed
An Ultrastructural Study of Prostaglandin F₂α -induced Alteration of the Corpus Luteum of Early Pregnancy of the ICR-CD1 Strain of Mice, Marilyn Miller
The Effectiveness of the Administrator in Promoting the Unique Goals of the Jewish Religion in Jewish High School, David Montrose
Las Inhibition of Diffusion and Uptake of Tritiated Uridine During Teleost Embryogenesis, Carol Muehleman
Presidential Leadership in Education: 1961-1963, Cheryl Nuzbach
The Teratogenic Potential of Intraperitoneally Administered 11.8 Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate upon the ICR-CD1 Strain of Mice, Victoria Ostrowski
The America-theme: A Twentieth Century View of the United States in German Literature, Especially Represented by Uwe Johnson, Walter Pasulka
A Quantitative Analysis of Microleakage in Endodontic Reverse Fills, Jerome Pisano
The Effects of Hypophysectomy upon Dna Synthesis in Rat Oral Epithelium, Olivia Ramirez
Short Term Histological Changes in the Palatal Sutures and the Periodontal Ligaments Resulting from Rapid Palatal Expansion in the Rhesus Monkey, Timothy Reardon
Early Socio-Psychological Factors Related to the Development Level of Catholic Priests, James J. Schroeder
The Catholic Pentacostal Prayer Meeting: A Dramatistic Perspective on a Contemporary Religious Awakening and Ritual, Melissa Siebert
Kin Relations of the Aged: Possible Impact on Social Service Planning, Maria Siemaszko
The Short Term Histological Changes in the Sutures of the Facioskeletal Complex Resulting from Rapid Palatal Expansion in the Rhesus Monkey, Craig Sinclair