A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
The Histochemical Characterization of Rat Masseter Muscle Fiber Types, Robert George Thomas
Comparison of Molar Size Sequence between Four Different Population Sub-Groups, J. Nevin Thompson
Attribution of Responsibility to Victims of Sex Crimes and Victims of Non-Sexual Aggressive Crimes, Carla A. Tomino
The Effect of Nematode Age on Trap Formation in the Nematophagous Fungus Arthrobotrys Conoides, Mary Lou Tortorello
Respiratory Carriage of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa by Cystic Fibrosis Patients: Use of the Nitroblue Tetrozolium Test as a Means of Monitoring Patient Status, Gorder Paul Van
The Effect of Calcium Sulfide on the Hactchability of Chironomous Riparius Meigen Eggs, Gerald S. Wegner
Nasopharyngeal Dimensions and Tongue Position in Enlarged Tonsil Patients, Richard Lee Zussman
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
A Study of Common Competencies for Developing Occupational Teachers, William K. Appelgate
Faking Good on the Thematic Appreception Test, Roger S. Arnold
Active Avoidance Conditioning in Certain Anura, Frank James Cann
A Religious Elite: A Study of the Social Origins of the American Catholic Hierarchy, Emil DC̓ruz
Effect of Cortisone on the Periodontal Ligament of the Maxillary Rat Incisor, Donald Ralph DeMatteis
LAS Effects on the Developing Zebra Fish (Branchydanio rerio), Casimira M. Dewese
Regeneration in Zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, Gabriel J. Ekandem
Roraschach O Responses and the Concept of Originality, Joseph Federico
A TST-Based Study of Self Disclosure in Voluntary Primary Relationships Among Middle Class Young Adults, Clarence Leslie Fewer
A Correlative Study of Winging and Certain Features of Dental Morphology in a Group of Navajo Indian Children, Carl George. Gangitano
Generative Themes: A Critical Examination of Their Nature and Function in Paulo Freire's Educational Model, Alberto Antonio Garcia S.J.
Ketoaldehydes and Glyoxalase Type Enzymes in the Life Cycle of Panagrellus silusiae, Caroline Gardiner
Adaptability of Muscles and Hence Hyoid Position Following Forced Distal Repositioning of the Tongue in Open Bite Patients, David Manning Gobeille
A Contextual Analysis of the Recruitment Bases of an Ethnic-Based Profession: The Catholic Priest in the United States, William Patrick Grogan
Frequency Judgments for the Wording and Meaning of Sentences, Christopher Gude
Effects of Diethylstilbestrol, Norethindrone, and Mestranol on Selected Microbes, John N. Haan
Interpretation of Covenant in Four Pre-Exile Prophets: Amos, Hosea, Proto-Isaiah, Jeremiah, Rudolph I.C. Holder