A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Mind-Body Identity, Incorrigibility and Conceptual Revision, Gordon D. Cohen
Hyoid Positioning Following Forced Distal Positioning of the Tongue During Swallowing, Gary S. Cuozzo
Nonverbal Play and Intelligence in Normal Children, Michael J. Downs
The Development of a Systematic Human Relations Training Program for Members of a Religious Community, Jane Mary Ferder
Industrialization and Image of the Sciences: The Interaction of Economic and Pure Theory, A. Thomas Ferguson
The Organization of Power in the Dominican Tobacco Eco-Market System, Fernando I. Ferran
Attitudinal Similarity, Severity of Consequences, and the Attribution of Responsibility for an Accident to the Pedestrian and to the Driver, Julieta Rosales. Flores
The Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties of Gutta Percha Endodontic Filling Materials, Charles E. Friedman
Further Searching in Social Intelligence, Eric Michael Gerdeman
El Poema de Mio Cid and the Old Testament, Sydney Giovenco
Teacher Evaluation, Peer Approval and Grade Point Average as Related to Locus of Control and Need for Approval in High School Boys, Thomas James Graziano
LDH Localization in the Fallopian Tube of the Albino Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) During the Estrous Cycle, Bernard H. Haberman
A Comparison of the Performance of Psychotic and Normal Children in Tests of Functional Visual Skills, Anne B. Hall
On the Success and Limitations of Science, William S. Hill
The Social and Sexual Development of the Deaf Child, Marie H. Kelliher
The SS: The End Result, Barry J. Klazura
The Concomitants of Urbanization, Phyllis D. Knights
Social Intelligence in Alcoholics, Carolyn Ann Kowatsch
A Period of Trial: Hong Kong Educational Development from 1960 to 1970, Grace Hing-yee Kwong
A Test of the Multiple Trace Hypothesis: The Effects of Temporal Cues and Presentation Modality, William H. Macey
Handling Effect on the Metabolism of Starved Bluegill Sunfish, Lepomis Macrochirus, Marcella Marcinkowski
A Multitrait-Multimethod Factor Analytic Appraisal of Three Measures of Social Intelligence, Patrick. McKian
Similarity and the Attribution of Responsibility, John Allen McKillip
Three Year Follow-Up of Women Religious: Personality Factors, Vocational Interests, Personal Orientation, Audrey R. Melamed